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  1. 6


    I am a Computer science degree student in search for a laptop i hate windows machine and their lagging , i would rather use parallels anyway onto the subject i am in between an m3 macbook air 8gb or an m2 8gb or 16gb . cant affford the extra price for the m3 16gb. i want it to be futureproof for...
  2. E

    Meaningful upgrade M1 to M3 for developer

    Have any of you guys felt a decent, day to day, moment to moment difference when going from a M1 Pro/Max to M3 Pro/Max when developing for Apple platforms? I'm thinking about indexing, previews etc. especially and compile times are also interesting. I have viewed the Xcode benchmark project on...
  3. AbhijitShanbhag

    Which one to choose?

    Hi, I am new to iOS Development and Programming, and just would use the machine that I'm gonna buy for next 4 Years. (Since I got in college for computer science recently). So just wanted to know which one to choose? I am confused which RAM/CPU will be enough for the next 4 years as I proceed to...
  4. Q

    Macbook purchase advice [Programming] [Two/Three screens]

    Hello all, I'm planing to make my first Apple purchase which would be a MacBook. I think most important points are: 1. 90% of the time it would be used for programming (mostly web development) and some business/email stuff. 2. I'm used to work on 3/2 big screens 3. I would rather not spend...
  5. M

    13" M1 Air vs Pro

    I’m currently deciding between the M1 Air and 13” Pro, both at 16GB/512GB, the price difference is £235. Unfortunately I had to return the 14” as I found out I’m sensitive to PWM at that level, so only have the option of these two. My current laptop is a mid-2014 MBP which I’ve had since...
  6. V

    iOS TIL - PersonNameComponentsFormatter

    Hi all, I've been around in these circles for over 10 years, but I'm starting to get back into the online forum circles. Just thought this would be a good share! // Example 1 let formatter = PersonNameComponentsFormatter() = .long let components =...
  7. jent

    Script to download website on a regular basis?

    I was hoping someone could guide me in creating a tiny bit of code (AppleScript, cron job, I'm not really sure) that would run automatically on the first of each month and download the contents of a few websites for archival purposes. It wouldn't need to go any deeper than just having an...
  8. K

    Orlace Data Modeler - right click

    Hi, does anyone know how to do a right mouse click in data modeler? I've tried to do ctrl + click but it doest works. I want create new data flow diagrams and in windows everyone use right click.
  9. S

    Need Advice - M1 Macbook Air for CSE student.

    Hello, I am starting college as a CSE student (iMTech course length 5 yrs). I need a laptop for programming and possibly some machine learning (after 5-6 semesters). Is the M1 Macbook AIR right choice for me? Note that I've never used a mac before and I need it to last at least 5-6 years...
  10. S

    Beginning programming: M1 Air or M1 Pro?

    I’ve been wanting to begin to learn programming for quite some time but didn’t have a Mac to do it with. With these new M1 Macs I’m thinking now may be a good time to get started. Would I be best suited to the Air or Pro? Thanks.
  11. S

    MBA 2020 for programming

    Hello, I'm starting out in the web developer world, mainly focused on backend things, I'm currently finishing my studies (They will be over in a couple of months probably). So, my main doubt here is if my macbook would be able to handle the tasks I would do daily as a web developer, I would be...
  12. super_kev

    macOS Swift & Mac OS X/macOS system compatibility?

    Hi folks, I haven't found an answer to this and I've searched around for awhile, but I'm looking into learning Swift, and I wanted to know if there are any Swift language/XCode version cutoffs where the language is not compatible with older versions of Mac OS X? For example, if I develop on a...
  13. S

    [Coding] Macbook Pro configuration

    Looking to upgrade my development rig. Software developer during my dayjob and looking to branch into multi-platform development and into a Software Architect role eventually. I code in Visual Studio/.NET Core/VSCode/React/etc. (full stack). But learning Swift and XCode for some macOS/iOS...
  14. C

    MacBook Pro 13" 8GB VS 16GB

    Hey everyone !! I'm looking for a new Macbook PRO to my daily job as a developer but I have doubts about what RAM should I choose... 8GB vs 16GB? Is enough 8GB to use apps for developing?
  15. jreiland8

    2019 MBP for College

    Hello everyone! I will be heading off to college in the Fall to study Computer Science. As such, I am looking to buy a new MacBook Pro. I currently own a 13" 2015 MacBook Air (1.6 GHz i5, 8 GB RAM, 128 GB), but it isn't really powerful enough for my needs. I know that I want to buy a model...
  16. The Reasonable One

    Awful battery life on 2018 MBP: am I alone?

    hey like the tile says I am getting horrible battery life out of my 2018 MBP and have since if got it. I thought it was all of that years models being defective but after talking to people that’s not true. Anyway I need more specific data. How long do all of you programmers who use Xcode or...
  17. T

    macOS C++ Programming

    Using the attached pigLatinString.cpp as a starting point, create a Pig Latin Converter program that will read in a file called "" of English sentences, convert them into Pig Latin, and will output them back to a file called "pigLatinFile.out". Rules: 1) While I may not use the...
  18. Quantum Robin

    Are there reasons to learn how to program in which programming languages to find a job?

    I want to learn how to program in programming languages that has reasons to find a job, I do not want to learn how to program in programming languages that has weak market or that has no reason to find a job. Are there reasons to learn how to program in which programming languages to find a job?
  19. iMacedonian

    Are 8 GB RAM enough for programming?

    Hey there. I am seriously considering getting a MacBook Pro 13" 2018. The primary use of the laptop would be for coding (front-end web development) but I'd like to dive in into iOS app development later on. With that said, are 8 GB of RAM enough to run XCODE or I should invest some more to get...
  20. katbel

    Resolved Automator won't move folders in Mojave

    I have few scripts created with Automator . All worked like a charm in High Sierra Now I cannot move or do anything if a folder in my user library is involved. In the automator script the folder appears with the red sign. How can I solve that? I already gave all the permissions in Security &...