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  1. M

    iOS Notifications and API

    Is there a way to signal a notification on an app through an action in another if the API is open? eg. lets say I have an app that monitors your Instagram. I want a notification to pop up for my app whenever someone comments on my Instagram. Assuming an open API for commenting on Instagram.
  2. Th.e.0

    Designing an app

    I'm new to coding but am very competent with computers. I'd like to design an app for the App Store. It needs to be very simple/basic to see if I can and like making apps and I will then make it more technical. Any suggestions?
  3. muntnerdesigns

    iOS New to Programming

    Hello everyone! I am currently looking to get into app development and specifically iOS development. I'm curious what steps or resources I can get through everyone. I'm new to coding entirely and want to figure out how I go about diving in. I've read on topics that suggest learning the logic of...
  4. D

    iOS iOS Scale with API

    Hi Im not sure im posting the right place :) Does anyone know if there is a scale for weighing things that connect to iOS so i can integrate it to a app? Regards Determig
  5. C

    problems setting permissions from terminal

    drwxrwxrwx 10 user staff 340 Jul 12 21:49 . drwxrwxrwx 4 user staff 136 Jul 12 21:49 .. -rw-rw-rw- 1 user staff 6148 Feb 6 2011 .DS_Store -r-xr--r-- 1 user staff 36232 Feb 5 2011 lorem_ipsum.txt -rw-rw-rw- 1 user staff 55 Feb 5 2011 new_file.txt -rw-rw-rw-...
  6. mareika

    iOS Objective-C good code examples?

    Hi everyone! So I am a beginner in coding pretty much. Not a total beginner but in terms of creating my own projects from scratch, I don't have any experience of that and so far it has just been simple, small apps that I have worked on. I am just looking for some good code example of medium...
  7. arkmannj

    iOS Are there any basic REPL apps that run on iOS?

    As I am learning Swift, I find it would be nice if I could practice and run through concepts when I have down time "on-the-go" without my laptop. I know that in Mac OS X (er... OS Mac OS :-p) I can use Playground, and can even use the terminal. Also, I know that Apple is developing...
  8. buttongerald

    macOS Where to start?

    Good day, Over the last few days I have grown more and more interested in programming for Mac OS X. And I am wondering, for someone like me who has zero knowledge in code writing, where should I start? What language should I focus on first? And what applications are best for writing this...
  9. DrMotownMac

    Suggestions for BEGINNING to learn Web Development

    First, I apologize for the length of this post, but I think it's important to understand where I'm coming from and what I'm trying to accomplish before you offer suggestions. Now I know this is an ambitious undertaking, but I have it set in my head that I can do this and I think that some of...
  10. buttongerald

    iOS Best Place To Start?

    Good Day Folks, Over the last few weeks, I have really spiked an interest in programming. I would love to learn how to do it, but I have zero knowledge of code. Graphics, photography, and video? You bet. But programming languages? Nope, I don't really remember HTML or CSS either as the last...
  11. jblagden

    macOS Only Java Files From Eclipse Compile Properly

    I’ve noticed that if I make a Java program in TextEdit or TextWranger and then try to compile it in Terminal, I get faulty criticism like this: error: unclosed string literal System.out.println("How many apples do you have?”); And yet, if I create a Java program in Eclipse...
  12. VPrime

    iPad hyperPad - Create Native Games Apps and Prototypes on the iPad

    Hi everyone, we just released a new version of our app hyperPad ( We've just added a bunch of awesome features and made the app even more powerful! If you don't know what hyperPad is: hyperPad is an iPad app that allows you to create native games, apps, and prototypes...
  13. 24586825

    Jailbreak development environment

    Suppose, I have a new iPhone 6s with latest iOS, and I want to find vulnerabilities in iOS itself. I'm new to iOS and OS X. How do I set up the proper environment for this? What software and/or hardware tools do I need to accomplish this? P.S.: Which component of iOS would you recommend me to...
  14. Aquamite

    macOS Help Installing C++ Library in El Capitan (boost)

    I have no experience with using other libraries in C++ other than the STL. I have been using clang++ for compiling small C++ codes and projects using Terminal commands with makefiles and rarely I've had to use XCode. However it had to come the day I had to move beyond that soft code beach and...
  15. A

    macOS Problem (or not) with Xcode and C++?

    Hi folks! I'm new at programming territory but think that can explain my situation.. 1) Created simple "Hello World!" with XCode (C++) 2) Trying to add multi line comments 3) And I see this: Instead this: 4) Syntax became normal when: i Cmd+A all text or changing syntax type for another...
  16. The_dewbiez

    Need help choosing between used 2 mac books

    ok so I know i posted this before but now i have narrowed down to 2 final options. I will mainly be using it for Xcode, other programming, daily use, and light video editing and Photoshop. I am going to upgrade to 8 gb of ram and a ssd regardless of which one I get. So which one is more worth...
  17. The_dewbiez

    I need help choosing a mac I have 3 choices

    Hi I am looking to buy a used mac book pro. I am going to use it for daily use, IOS programming and other programming, and light video editing and Photoshop. Also I am probably going to upgrade the ram to 8gb and put in a SSD to any one that I get. Here are the choices I have...