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  1. J internal error

    Hi i just upgraded to os sierra a few days ago and i tried to view an image but my had an internal error. I already removed "" and its still not working. Is there a way to redownload preview? i dont have a time machine backup or any OSX disk btw. Im using Xee...
  2. Mr. 123

    Install OSX on second hand Comuter

    I am buying a second hand 2015 MacBook Air and I want to wipe it completely clean and then reinstall OSX. It's a simple process but how does it work when someone else has owned the computer and the OS is registered to his or her Apple ID? I am guessing it will ask me to enter the Apple ID and...
  3. H

    MacApp download issue

    Hello, I am a Mac Book Pro owner and since my hard disk broke and had to have it replaced, I lost the apps that were included in the DVD provided with my Mac purchase (Pages etc.). On the top of that, my DVD player is also broken and therefore I cannot install theses apps straight from the dvd...
  4. J

    Help - OSX El Capitan - iCloud won't login & Other Issues

    Probably Best off to start with the background to the issue. - Mac Mini Late 2012 was behaving oddly(explained below) in El Capitan so I have: Reinstalled El Capitan - Completed Successfully Done a Disk First Aid - Completed Successfully (No Problems) Now El Capitan is reinstalled when I log...
  5. A

    Help with Reinstalling OS X

    I bought a used early 2011 Macbook from eBay. The seller did not wipe anything on the system. Me, being new to Macs, erased the hard drive without knowing about not being able to reinstall the OS without the original Apple ID. The OS after erasing the disk was Yosemite. I partitioned it to get...