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reminders sync

  1. Rivvvers

    Reminders iCloud Sync Issue

    Im having a one directional syncing issue with MacOS Reminders. Situation: On MacOS reminders I just created a new list for a trip and added just over 100 items and 6 Sections, all the todos where organised under each of these sections. Everything synced over incuding todos and sections but it...
  2. tedwill

    iCloud iCloud for Windows No Longer Doing Task Sync?

    A friend mine has been using outlook on windows for many years. He also is an iPhone. Several years ago I set him up with outlook for windows to synchronize his calendar contacts and tasks with his phone. Recently, tasks are no longer an option for syncing. In the setup program, tasks /...
  3. Populus

    Reminders App not syncing across iPhone, iPad and Mac

    Hello. I’ve done a previous search and didn’t find any thread with this issue. I’m having troubles getting the Reminders app to sync across my devices through iCloud, this issue is happening for months, I suspect it happens since I jumped to the new reminders app on iOS 14. If I create a...
  4. J

    ghost reminders every day - how to delete?

    Every day at 3:30 pm on my MBP, two reminders appear momentarily and then disappear, all within a second or less. I assume this is due to some sort of conflict or local cache (it doesn't seem to happen on my two iOS devices, which are all synced via iCloud). Anyone ever seen this? If so, I...
  5. Jason_G

    iPhone Reminders on iOS/iPadOS not syncing to/from iCloud/other devices

    Hi, I've noticed that since around 29th Jan my Reminders no longer sync from my iPhone 11 Pro to/from iCloud and therefore to my iMac. I upgraded my Reminders on my iPhone when iOS 13 was released in September and iMac when Catalina was released. I've tried all the usual things Apple would...
  6. purdnost

    All Devices iOS Reminders Sync Settings Gone

    In iOS 12, you could access the Reminders sync settings through the Settings app in order to specify how far back in time you wanted your reminders to be synced. I just noticed that this setting no longer exists. I never used it, or understood why someone would. Curious as to the logic behind...