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macrumors regular
Original poster
Jun 11, 2012
The Shire
Im having a one directional syncing issue with MacOS Reminders.

On MacOS reminders I just created a new list for a trip and added just over 100 items and 6 Sections, all the todos where organised under each of these sections.
Everything synced over incuding todos and sections but it will not syncing the sections, neither their order or todo's inside the sections.

When I do this on the iPhone or iPad it syncs to macOS fine, but not in the other direction.

Ive already tried turning off iCloud Reminders in system settings, which wiped reminders and redownloaded it all, but still the same issue remains. i thought this would fix it.
So after that i tried moving 2 todo's into a section on macos and it doesnt sync to my portable devices.

Im guessing Reminders needs reseting on macOS by removing plists and application supporting files but im not entirely sure
which files need deleting.

Is this a known issue/bug?

If not can anyone help?
Last edited:


macrumors 604
Aug 20, 2015
Weird. Out of curiousity, what do you see when you go to and look at your reminders through the web interface there?


macrumors regular
Original poster
Jun 11, 2012
The Shire
Weird. Out of curiousity, what do you see when you go to and look at your reminders through the web interface there?
It is the same as the iPhone and the iPad, it’s something about the macOS version that isn’t syncing certain aspects.
I think if I can find all the supporting files and delete them to reset it, it may solve it. Unless it’s a bug.
It would have been a lot easier and probably be resolved by now if AppCleaner could deal with system apps.


macrumors regular
Oct 19, 2014
There seemed to be a problem with sections. Normally I don't use this but I tried it now and I had the same issue.
But when I closed the Reminders app on the MacBook and open it again, it was working but not continuously


macrumors 68030
Oct 7, 2008
Has anyone found a fix for this?

I'm having a similar issue. If I amend reminders on one device they don't sync across to my other devices. But if I open the reminders app, then close it, and then reopen it, the reminders sync across.

Even when I mark a task as complete on one device, it shows as open on the other devices.
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