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reminders app

  1. T

    Calendar Export broken?

    Hi everyone, I just wanted to move my CalDAV based Calendar on an other server. So decided to export all my calendars bei creating a calendar archive. This created an *.icbu-file. This file contained all calendars and all reminders (shown in the reminder app). This function does not seem to...
  2. Rivvvers

    Reminders iCloud Sync Issue

    Im having a one directional syncing issue with MacOS Reminders. Situation: On MacOS reminders I just created a new list for a trip and added just over 100 items and 6 Sections, all the todos where organised under each of these sections. Everything synced over incuding todos and sections but it...
  3. P

    Universal Tasktic to do list: Groundbreaking Task Tracker

    I have always been a “Notes app enthusiast” for to do lists, but I found myself limited. Which is why I created Tasktic to do list where I can now have priority swiping, due dates, time estimates, duplicating, and more without any added hassle. For the due dates I used lots of regex to identify...
  4. imdantaylor

    Does iOS 17 upgrade notes/reminders to be incompatible with previous versions?

    Despite my 2017 MacBook Pro still being incredibly snappy, it will not be compatible with the next macOS. So if I upgrade my iPad and iPhone to iOS 17, will my notes/reminders/anything else be upgraded to a version that will no longer sync or be compatible with my Mac?
  5. S

    Can't Upgrade Native Reminders App on iOS 16.5

    I sync reminders between my Macbook and the Reminders widget. My Macbook runs MacOS 13.2.1 and has the upgraded Reminders app. On a new iPhone 13 running iOS 16.5, I opened the Reminders app for the first time, which appears to run the old version of Reminders. There is no blue...
  6. circatee

    Reminders mark as Complete

    From time to time, on macOS, I get a notification in the top right corner of the screen (I think that is the Control Centre area). I will click the drop down on the Reminder notification and choose 'Complete'. However, sometimes the Reminders app on macOS and on iOS remain, versus being marked...
  7. Duco Schuurman

    Reminders app

    Can I switch off the automatic urgency suggestion?
  8. ricecrispies

    Is there a way to get two-way sync between iOS, reminders, and Google reminders?

    Is there a way to get two-way sync between iOS reminders and Google reminders, either directly, or through an intermediary such as Outlook tasks? All I have managed so far has been to get Outlook tasks to copy themselves to iOS reminders, but not the other way round.
  9. coolfireblue

    Using Siri to tag in Notes 🥵

    Using Siri to tag something in the Notes app doesn’t show up as an active tag #️⃣ It just shows up as text with a hashtag at the front of it. However, when you use the keypad it works perfectly – turns yellow, is active and will get sorted and organised - as it ought. Dictating, “new line” or...
  10. F

    Integrate reminders and Calendar so I can see due dates?

    So, life is more complicated now, and I need to be better organized. A frustration I'm experiencing is coordinating reminder due dates and calendar events. Setting due dates is fine, and while it would be nice to see my calendar view right there while setting the due date, it's not such a big...
  11. Talarian

    Reminders - custom smart lists with #tags cannot recognize "all day" reminders vs. "timed" reminders

    EDIT: Never mind, I figured it out. I gave the smart list two filters: the #travel tag and "Relative Range - In the Past Year" and that accomplished my goal. I would like to create a custom Smart List that uses a #tag to show all reminders with that #tag that are overdue or due today, but...
  12. N

    iOS 15 || Reminders app bugs after upgrade

    Hi :) Not sure if this is some kind of a bug, but data & time scheduling suggestions in the new Reminders app (on typing) doesn't work after upgrading to iOS15. Usually, the app recognizes the date/time related text, paints it blue and offers a schedule suggestion based on it for selection...
  13. A

    I think this would be awesome

    Things come to me as I sit around at night, and I always forget them the next day. For some reason, tonight, I sent myself an iMessage to remind me to call a friend in the morning. I wanted the red dot to bug me, thus forcing me to open the message and read the reminder. I send myself then...
  14. Populus

    Reminders App not syncing across iPhone, iPad and Mac

    Hello. I’ve done a previous search and didn’t find any thread with this issue. I’m having troubles getting the Reminders app to sync across my devices through iCloud, this issue is happening for months, I suspect it happens since I jumped to the new reminders app on iOS 14. If I create a...
  15. greedist

    macOS Please tell me how to control reminder with AppleScript

    Can I use an Apple script to mark a particular item in a reminder as complete?
  16. J

    Reminders local cache?

    I'm trying to start over with Reminders and have cleared out all stored entries on my iOS devices and MBP. To get as clean of a fresh start as possible, I'd also like to delete any and all local Reminders cache files, databases, etc., on my MBP. Should I simply search Library for "Reminders" and...
  17. J

    ghost reminders every day - how to delete?

    Every day at 3:30 pm on my MBP, two reminders appear momentarily and then disappear, all within a second or less. I assume this is due to some sort of conflict or local cache (it doesn't seem to happen on my two iOS devices, which are all synced via iCloud). Anyone ever seen this? If so, I...
  18. Jason_G

    iPhone Reminders on iOS/iPadOS not syncing to/from iCloud/other devices

    Hi, I've noticed that since around 29th Jan my Reminders no longer sync from my iPhone 11 Pro to/from iCloud and therefore to my iMac. I upgraded my Reminders on my iPhone when iOS 13 was released in September and iMac when Catalina was released. I've tried all the usual things Apple would...
  19. Y

    All Devices You cannot complain about Reminders on Apple Product Feedback!!

    I am very frustrated about the inability to have reminders on my MacOS until Catalina is released God knows when (as many of you surely are). I wanted to leave some negative feedback on the Apple Product Feedback site and, lo and beyond, there is no option to give feedback for reminders! My...
  20. C

    iPhone Reminders App

    Redesigned Reminders App Apple is implementing a new design for the Reminders app, which will also extend to macOS 10.15. This is welcomed news. I like the app. It doesn’t jump back to the top of the page when you tap the top of the screen. If that could be fixed plus new features and improved...