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  1. purdnost

    Display Notifications as Count Not Working with Reminders — Bug?

    Settings > Notifications > Display As: Count This setting does not appear to be affecting my Reminders app notifications. They still appear at the bottom of my Lock Screen. With this setting enabled, all notifications should be confined to the count button until I tap on it. Is this a known bug?
  2. D

    Reminders app: What time is "tonight"?

    I am new to Monterey as I've just upgraded from Sierra. I noticed that reminders alerts now have to option to "Remind Me Tonight". But what is "tonight"? Can I change what "tonight" means for me anywhere?
  3. S

    Reminders app doesn't work after Migration Assistant

    I migrated to the new M1 Max MacBook Pro about a month ago I am still unable to use the Reminders app It is just completely blank, I have turned Reminders off and on in iCloud in System Prefs but it is still blank. i
  4. lbdesign

    Feature parity on Apple Notes iOS15 and MacOS ?

    I'm excited about features like tags and filter-based searches in iOS15 Notes and Reminders. Are these features not available on MacOS desktop yet?
  5. G

    Reminders banner style changing from temporary to persistent

    Hello everyone, I am facing an issue since iOS13. At that time I had an iPhone 8 Plus and an Apple Watch Series 3. Everyday when going to bed I usually turn off both devices and I disable bluetooth on the phone. On the reminders notifications, I like to have them as temporary and not...
  6. purdnost

    Why are time sensitive Reminders notifications labeled with “Reminders”?

    Standard notifications are delivered with just the reminder text, but the time sensitive notifications are displayed with a big “Reminders” label. This seems redundant as there is already a large app icon indicating the app. I also think the “TIME SENSITIVE“ label needs to go, but at the very...
  7. purdnost

    Reminders Questions

    1. Can Reminders lists that are shared with me not be added to groups? I can add all other lists just fine. 2. When I edit a widget stack composed of multiple Reminders lists, each line reads as “List”, which makes it really tricky to put them in a certain order. I would expect them to show the...
  8. greedist

    macOS Please tell me how to control reminder with AppleScript

    Can I use an Apple script to mark a particular item in a reminder as complete?
  9. MacConvert07

    Siri not able to create reminders (occasionally), says there's no app for that

    Sometime in the last few months, upon asking siri to create a reminder (for example "Hey siri, remind me on Monday to call my sister.") occasionally she'll tell me she can't create the reminder because there's not an app installed to do that. I forget the exact language she uses. Then she...
  10. gwhizkids

    Creating reminders from Apple Mail

    Am trying to create reminders from Apple Mail on Big Sur. Used to be you could invoke the share sheet to do this. That does not look like it works anymore. Would prefer not to have to use AppleScript or Automator to do this, but there may be no other way. Anyone have workarounds? Thanks!
  11. M

    Reminders Widget

    Why does it only show a single item on the list in the smallest view? Seems like a lot of wasted space in the middle! 🤔
  12. J

    ghost reminders every day - how to delete?

    Every day at 3:30 pm on my MBP, two reminders appear momentarily and then disappear, all within a second or less. I assume this is due to some sort of conflict or local cache (it doesn't seem to happen on my two iOS devices, which are all synced via iCloud). Anyone ever seen this? If so, I...
  13. jonatious

    All Devices Reminders problem

    So about a year ago(don’t quote me on this), I believe with iOS 12, Reminders app was synced to iCloud or whatever happened and the app became super slow for people who have daily reminders and that means 1000s of completed reminders. I have been having around 5-7 daily reminders for years and I...
  14. Jason_G

    iPhone Reminders on iOS/iPadOS not syncing to/from iCloud/other devices

    Hi, I've noticed that since around 29th Jan my Reminders no longer sync from my iPhone 11 Pro to/from iCloud and therefore to my iMac. I upgraded my Reminders on my iPhone when iOS 13 was released in September and iMac when Catalina was released. I've tried all the usual things Apple would...
  15. lorenzoF92

    Best scheduling app with iCloud support

    I’m looking for an app (both Mac and Apple devices) for scheduling my days and for saving short notes. I wanted to use a single app so the natives apps are not really an option. I tried both Agenda and NotePlan. I decided to buy the former since it really fits my needs perfectly. Unfortunately...
  16. K

    All Devices Reminders, Siri and the use of ‘and’

    I’ve found an issue with the latest iOS and my use of Siri and Reminders. I’m pretty sure that historically I could use ‘and’ in my sentence and add long reminders such as the one shown in my screenshot. As you can see in the screenshot it’s now splitting my reminder on every use of ‘and’. Is...
  17. M

    All Devices Can't stop sharing a reminders list from iOS

    So I have converted my reminders to the new iOS format and everything is syncing fine to macOS Catalina too. However, there's one thing I can't seem to do: stop sharing a list from iOS. I can only do it from macOS. If I use the "share list" feature in iOS, then only decide to copy the sharing...
  18. Y

    All Devices You cannot complain about Reminders on Apple Product Feedback!!

    I am very frustrated about the inability to have reminders on my MacOS until Catalina is released God knows when (as many of you surely are). I wanted to leave some negative feedback on the Apple Product Feedback site and, lo and beyond, there is no option to give feedback for reminders! My...
  19. clcnyc

    iPhone CarPlay no longer displaying reminders?

    I upgraded to iOS 13, then 13.1, and I've noticed that my reminders aren't showing up on my CarPlay display anymore. Anyone else having this issue? Are they no longer supporting that? Seems useless if it won't pop up on there like it did before iOS 13.
  20. purdnost

    Reminders - Push Notifications for Shared Lists?

    My wife and I share a few different lists in the Reminders app. We're not on iOS 13 yet, but I'm assuming this applies to both iOS 12 and iOS 13. So, for example, we have a shared/collaborative Groceries list. My assumption was that, whenever either of us adds a new item, deletes one, or at...