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  1. Rob Hein

    Macbook Pro Mid 2010 Shut down randomly

    I got this old mac Macbook Pro Mid 2010 that has this problem, it will just shut down randomly, and give me a grey screen, i think it said kernel something, sorry im no expert here. Log file Kernel Screenshot I have read online, this is a common problem with this model, and i've tried...
  2. Qpr11

    iPad restarts with Gamevice

    Hey ;) I have strange problem with my iPad (6 or 7,5 ? - the cheap one from 2018 with iPhone 7 CPU). Ive recently bought used Gamevice for it and it works perfectly but... Device restarts randomly in games like Grid, Oceanhorn 2 or stardew valley. I've found that Gamevice can take to much energy...
  3. W

    Macbook Pro Won't Shut Down

    Hello there, I’m having problems with my Macbook Pro. After using an external CD drive to burn music last week, it hasn’t allowed me to shut down or restart the computer. I unplugged it without ejecting because there was no option to do so. When I try to shut down or restart the computer now, an...
  4. supergaia

    can i add a sound when i log off /restart or shut down my imac?

    Hi can i add a sound when i log off or restart ot shut down my imac? i searched around the net and forum without luck cheers
  5. seitsme

    iphone 5 powers up only with Home+power key combination

    My iphone 5, was a secondhand device bought a while ago as a replacement to other model i have had. It has the latest ios on it. It was working ok despite it came in contact with water and then was cleaned with isopropanol and started up ok. The charging dock was also replaced from another...
  6. A

    Macbook Pro restarts during wakeup

    My new 2018 Macbook Pro (MacBookPro15,1 & macOS 10.14.2 (18C54)), while waking up after a standby (or hibernate), automatically restarts (rather than resuming from sleep.) This happens intermittently. When this happens `log show --predicate 'eventMessage contains "Previous shutdown cause"'...
  7. parisinvest

    iMac 27 2012 restart problem after install owc ssd

    hi, i've upgrade my imac 27 2012 a ssd owc aura 480gb, not the pro one, i did see any thermo sensor to attach, but after use for a while, my imac start to restart itself sevral times a day, and the the fans turn on for longtime before it begame quit, it's really a headache, anyone met the same...
  8. G

    Every few restarts, Mac won't start up, unless I reset PRAM

    For some reason, every few times (let's say every 5 times) I restart my Mac Mini (running MacOS High Sierra 10.13.3, on an SSD), the startup screen will get stuck on the white loading bar with a black background, with the white bar at 100% full and just sitting there for minutes (the longest I...
  9. rachinc

    Java pop up wont go away with High Sierra

    Whenever I restart my computer, this comes up: To use the "java" command-line tool you need to install a JDK I want to get rid of it, so I googled it and everyone tells me to install javaforosx.dmg, or jdk-9.0.4_osx-x64_bin.dmg, or jre-8u161-macosx-x64.dmg, etc.... When I double click on one...
  10. K

    iMac Pro iMac Pro Sleep Issues

    Hi, Is anyone else experiencing dirty shutdowns/restarts when putting your iMac Pro to sleep? I'm having to restore apps, files and browser windows every time I reawaken from sleep, or the same happens when I get back to the office in the morning and the computer has shut down completely over...
  11. T

    Upgraded "5,1" Hangs, Restarts, Won't Chime

    Firstly, the system: MacPro 4,1 updated to 5,1 firmware Dual x5690 processors (delidded), originally dual 2.26 56gb of RAM (7x8gb, 1 stick was faulty and never bothered to replace) GTX980 flashed with Mac firmware Generic USB 3.0 card 4 spindle drives, SSD in second optical slot I did the...
  12. umusachi

    iPhone X iPhone X - 4 with defects and counting...

    Hi guys. I was so exited to get an iPhone X on launch day. However I’ve now had four iPhone Xs with different problems... I can’t believe it, it’s so disappointing! I feel like I am alone in this-I haven’t heard of the iPhone X being unreliable... Here’s my experience so far: I pre-ordered a...
  13. I

    General Screenshot editor doesn't work half the time

    Sometimes if I take a screenshot and then edit the screenshot, once I save it the edits don't save. I have to then re edit them using the Photos app. But that's not all. The screenshot editor after that doesn't come up at all when I take new screenshots, only the sound is there and no...
  14. pulkas

    Macbook Pro 2015 13" randomly crashes after drained to 0 batter while sleep

    I have bought my mac from a seller, which was used for demostration on sell point.It has full 2 year apple service covarage.It was only 61 battery cycle when i bought. I owned and used this machine 1 month.One week or so I havent used my mac, kept it sleeping, and last week I have opened the...
  15. haruhiko

    iPhone Springboard crash or random restart multiple times a day on iPhone 7 Plus

    Since installation of the GM of iOS 11 on my iPhone 7 Plus, and subsequent updates to 11.0.1, 11.0.2 and now 11.0.3, I always experienced crash of the springboard when closing apps, unlocking with Touch ID, and other unknown reasons. Frequency of the crash is 3-5 times a day and I never...
  16. L

    Kernel Panic

    Hi there, My Mid 2010 MacBook Pro keeps suffering from what I believe to be kernel panics, every other day my Mac will randomly switch itself off and display a warning saying 'your mac had to be restarted due to problem'. When researching, the diagnosis appears to be kernel panic. I took it to...
  17. U

    Clearing existing notifications does not keep them cleared:reappear upon restart or lock & unlock

    It is expected that the notifications (of all Apps- Mail, Messages, Phone, Whatsapp etc) which have been cleared once from the Notification Centre (by pressing X at the top of Notification Centre, or by pressing 3D Touch on X>"Clear All Notifications") do not reappear subsequently. However, it...
  18. M

    Restart-Progress bar starts twice

    I had quite a few problems with my 2012 iMac this morning. It was as if there was a massive traffic jam, and with every turn I tried I ran into the spinning pizza wheel. Had to do hard shut downs. Finally seem to have gotten everything working (ran Disk Utility a few times); however, when the...
  19. toolbox84

    What is this problem related?

    My Mid 2010 Mac pro started giving problems, it restarts automatically and I get this error. Does this mean my CPU processor is bad? Or is it the GPU? Thanks Anonymous UUID: 7AB2C231-0E27-C3E7-E2D4-D8EDDB460112 Tue Jun 13 13:58:33 2017 *** Panic Report *** Machine-check capabilities...
  20. M

    MBP 15 - 2016 Model keeps rebooting

    My new MBP keeps rebooting when I put it to sleep. It seems to be random. so there are times when I shut the lid at night and in the morning when I open it, the system starts as a fresh boot. any help