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  1. S

    Full screen issue using Finder

    Hello I have 2 MacBook: 2015 and 2008. I use external Monitor with 2015. Lids are closed on both laptops. I am connecting from 2015 to 2008 using Finder and than Share screen option. When I get into 2008 the screen is not Full and ‘Scale on’ feature does not make a difference. Note...
  2. D

    How to watch AppleTV on your Mac

    I had no idea, that Apple TV supports screen sharing: Open QuickTime Player on your Mac Select "New Video-Recording" Click onto the triangle right next to the record button. Select the Apple TV you want to look at. After step 4 you will get realtime video of your Apple TV. You can watch it...
  3. smoking monkey

    iPhone XR Question for XR owners

    How is watching movies on the XR in terms of screen brightness (and just generally) compared to the Max or a plus phone (any of them)? I did compare my 6s+ to an XR and Max in store playing various videos via youtube and found that the XR looked better than my 6S+. But I've read that the XR...
  4. V

    Anyone else affected by screen bleed/uneven tint on Series 4? [MERGED]

    I’m surprised this issue isn’t being talked about here. Basically, a lot of people on Reddit have noticed that their series 4 models have uneven screens where one side looks brighter than the other. My series 4 is also affected by this. :( Here’s one such thread (there are quite a few though)...
  5. A

    iPhone 8/Plus iPhone 8 Boot Screen Issue

    Hi to All When I turn on the phone, while the screen showing the white apple in the middle, the screen jitters a bit and a grayish or white line quickly jumps across the screen. this line is random, it could be at the middle or upper of screen. This issue takes only half a second and I don't...
  6. Stuey3D

    iPhone XR Am I the only one who prefers the XR screen over the X/XS?

    Hi all. So I’ve been into my local carrier store to have yet another look at the iPhone XR as I am planning to trade in my X for an XR in January when my contract allows. Now I’ve looked at the screens of the X and the XR closely and I’ve gotta say I actually prefer the Xr’s Screen over my...
  7. BigBen2493

    Lifeproof Fre for the Iphone XS? Any Good?

    does the screen protector lay flat on the screen? Does it distort sound? etc...
  8. sammgrier

    iPhone X HELP - Screen partly white. HOW TO FIX??

    Hello. My new iphone X fell today and this happened to the screen. Does anyone know what it may be and how to fix it? Thanks in advance
  9. BigBen2493

    Anybody put the belkin screen protectors on the XR

    how are they holding up? Which one did you get?
  10. smoking monkey

    iPhone XR Max v Plus v XR v X screen size comparison for TV shows & old movies

    IF anybody is interested (I know I am) I made this simple guide to compare how much smaller TV shows or older movies will display on the XR in comparison to the Max, Plus and how much bigger compared to the X. FYI: I actually made the size of the pics the real height of the phone screens, but...
  11. flur

    Using the Pencil without a Screen Protector

    I'm moving to the IPP from the Air 2, so I have no experience with the pencil, but I know that when I bought the Air 2 and people were using 3rd party styli with it, there were issues with people scratching their screen. Is this a concern with the Pencil and the IPP? Do most people use...
  12. D

    Flickering bar on screen

    Hello everyone, I basically have two questions. First, as you can see on the photo, there is a flickering bar on the screen of my macbook air from 2013. It is not alway there but ussually its very persistent. Based on some google searches it is hard to fix this yourself. So far everything I...
  13. MMacG1167

    Late 2009 iMac sleep screen issue

    I have a 27" iMac from late 2009. It has a 2.8 Ghz Intel core i7 processor, 8GB of 1067 MHz DDR3 RAM, and an ATI Radeon HD 4850 512 MB graphics card/chip. It has a 1 TB SATA HD of which about 687GB is available. The OS is High Sierra (10.13.6). I essentially leave it turned on 24/7, and for a...
  14. mshcherb

    Mac Book Pro 2016 Screen Issue

    Need some advice! My 2016 MBP has started showing thin horizontal lines in one corner (see pic). Ran a diagnostic on it and it came up with nothing. Any ideas what this could be and how fast it progresses, since I won't be able to bring my Mac in to service for a few weeks.
  15. Husky29

    Lubricating Rubber Seal on Display?

    Hello, I am wondering if it is a good idea to lubricate or moisten the little black seal around the edge of the display on my MacBook Pro. I wonder if it will make it last longer, because I wipe my screen daily with a microfiber cloth and I always rub the seal as well while I am cleaning the...
  16. Stuey3D

    iPhone XR Trading in an iPhone X for an iPhone XR, am I mad?

    Hi all. I currently have an iPhone X but I am seriously considering trading it in for an iPhone XR, am I a mad man? There is a reason behind my madness though and that is the claimed battery life gains. Quite often I will be at work on the phone to my mate for hours (I work in the field...
  17. A

    MacbookPro7.1 spilled water

    Hello everyone. I spilled water in my macbook around two weeks ago and now the LCD screen looks like that does not iluminate. I have to check with a external screen if the problem is due to a screen fault or a logic board fault but I am waiting to receive the mini display port - hdmi. I would...
  18. T

    Issue after display replacement (dill/dull)

    Hi, I have a iPhone 6s and I just replaced my screen by my self. It all went well but when i turned it on I got this dull/dim issue on the screen. here's the picture of how it looks. The quality of the photo is horrible, yes, but i guess you get my point. Is...
  19. T

    Glow/graident on screen that won't go

    I have an old Ipad v3 running a version 9 of ios and after my last iso update my screen appears to be more brighter/pastel colours than before. In addition there is a glow about 1" from inside the edge of screen. This effect can be seen in the attached screenshot. Has anybody else experienced...
  20. kaklingler

    Xs Max screen flicker

    anyone else experiencing a brightness flicker with their Xs Max? any solutions?