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  1. Cynthia Blue

    macOS Script to move files to new subdir

    I'm new to Applescript and Automator... I have done some limited cron scripting in my past but will need to relearn how to do it. What I'm looking to do is move all my .mp4 and .mov files from my hard drive to my external backup drive that's connected via my network. So basically just from one...
  2. A

    macOS Run Script with Launchd at Login

    I'm attempting to setup a Launch Agent that will run a simple shell script to mount a FUSE drive at login. I have written a .plist file and moved it into the ~/Library/LaunchAgents/ directory (shown below). Both the .plist and the shell script have permissions of 755. I am able to use the...
  3. C

    Enable Nap script for OS X 10.5

    Hi all. I dug my Dual 1.25 MDD out of the closet. I missed it terribly. Anyway, after having it powered on for 15 minutes, I noticed the temps creeping up toward 55°C and soon realized I didn't have CHUD Tools installed. So, I installed version 3.5.2, and then tried installing the Enable Nap...
  4. Darf Nader

    Command Line pause/resume of Time Machine?

    Hi, first time poster after many years of reading.... I am trying to come up with a way to safely backup my Time Machine backup volumes offsite and I chose to try ARQ which uses s3 Glacier as its storage which is pretty cheap compared to other solutions which seem to offer a host of caveats...
  5. basilt

    macOS script to manually switch SPDIF red light on/off

    hello, I was wondering if anyone can help me with a script to turn on/off my SPDIF ports on the mac manually please. One of my ports is not glowing red and wondering if soundflower which is now removed or any other software switched the red light off. thanks
  6. K

    write automated script

    hi. I would like to write an automated script which delete a file every single time when I open one specific app. the file is hidden. I'm noob whit Automator, where should I start?
  7. D

    macOS Random m3u help

    Looking for some help with what I think should be an achievable script. Basically looking for a script that will search subfolders for specific files types (mp3, mp4, m4a) and select one random file from each subfolder, then write this into an m3u. The following creates an m3u per subfolder...