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  1. supergaia

    shortcut to launch launchpad and full screen program help

    hi i run sierra 10.12.6 i had always a nightmare with the keyboard shortcuts maybe because i'm coming from windows i have searched around internet a shortcut to launch the lauchpad ,is there a keyboard shortcut to open the launchpad ? and another question? is there a keyboard shortcut to open...
  2. F

    Did they break the 3-finger-tap dictionary shortcut?

    For years one of my absolute favorite things about the Mac trackpad was being able to 3-finger-tap while hovering the mouse over a particular word, and then the Mac would define that word for me in a small pop-up dictionary window. It seems that after Sierra, this feature broke for me. Now it's...
  3. J

    How to add shortcut?

    How do you add a shortcut to a more complicated instruction? (Example shown in the image) When I have to export lots of pages files at once into PDF files, it becomes tedious and I want to make it a quicker process, so when you press File > Export To > PDF it isn't allowing me to make a...
  4. J

    How to create a keyboard shortcut to start Calendar

    Hi! I'm looking for a way to start Calendar using a keyboard shortcut. I've already done: System Preferences > Keyboard > Shortcuts > App Shortcuts clicked "+", chose the Calendar app, added Alt-C as the shortcut . . . but it doesn't work. I'm using Firefox 55.0 (64 bit) on a Mac Mini...
  5. miknos

    Remove Page with Widgets (from Home Screen)

    Is there a way to remove that extra page? Normally I keep only two pages. First one with the ones I heavily use. When I unlock my device, I can find the app Im looking fast since there is only two pages. Now having a third one, I get lost many times. Same for Control Center; I swipe up to open...
  6. D

    Shortcut to switch Tabs in Terminal

    Hello, just updated from El Capitan to Sierra and the old shortcuts for switching between tabs in terminal don't work anymore. On El Capitan i jumped between them forward: cmd + ä backward: cmd + ö Now on Sierra i have to press "shift + cmd + arrow keys" - to press all of these...
  7. E

    iPad Pro Smart Keyboard and suggested words

    Hi, I am a proud owner of iPad Pro 12,9", and I love it. I've only a problem. I like to use the suggested word system as I type with Smart Keyboard, but sometimes it hints a mistaken word. Do you know if there's any shortcut on Smart Keyboard to cancel the suggested word and type the one I want...
  8. Dj64Mk7

    Text Shortcut Syncing

    For reference, I'm talking about the text replacement shortcuts (a default one is "omw" for "On my way!") I seem to remember at one point that these shortcuts would sync between iPhone and Mac through iCloud. It actually happened for me once at long time ago, but never since. Is this not a...
  9. eriksmoe

    Ctrl+Tab not switching tabs

    After updating to El Cap 10.11.3 from Yose: Switching between tabs in Safari or Finder doesn't work using Ctrl+Tab. It works only for switching between tool buttons. In Chrome and Firefox it still works as before. Have had this problem before upon updating major versions.
  10. kiwidesign

    "Cycle through windows" vs. "Move focus to next windows"

    Premise: I've recently performed a clean install of 10.11.2 on my 2011 MBP, coming from a 10.8.x installation... quite the upgrade! :) Since my first mac with 10.4 Tiger I've grown accustomed to the comfort of system wide shortcuts, and one of those I used most was the "Cycle through windows"...