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  1. W

    Why must I constantly rebuild Spotlight index?

    I have a folder which holds many other folders for various topics. These contain articles that I need to reference. When Spotlight is working, it is great. I can find relevant topics quickly -- infinitely faster than a Windows search. However, these searches only work for months (perhaps...
  2. halloleo

    How to avoid spotlight to read/write to an external drive?

    I have an external Time Machine drive "Follow" which I do not want to be used by Spotlight. So I made sure it is in Spotlight's exclusion list: However I can still (even after hours) here the external disk churning away. Looking at the open files with Sloth (a GUI to `lsof`) I get: This...
  3. jadraker

    Monterey 12.1 update broke my Outlook 365 search function

    Hello guys, Yesterday I updated my MBP to Monterey 12.1 and it was a terrible idea. Now my Outlook 365 search function is not working and it affected my performance at work. Now I need to open Outlook in Chrome in order to search emails. I tried to (without success): -Delete Outlook app (moved...
  4. L

    spotlight indexing runs at every reboot/boot ! never had that beforef

  5. purdnost

    iOS 15 New Spotlight Features MIA?

    Rich results Brings together all the information you’re looking for in one rich result. Available for contacts, actors, musicians, movies, and TV shows. Was planning to delete IMDb, but this feature seems to be missing. Anyone else?
  6. DC41

    Are Adobe CC and Spotlight killing me?

    Please take a look at the attached screenshots. I got about, what? 7 hours of use from my MBA (16GB/1TB) from 100% battery to 10%. No heavy usage... only browsers and Outlook on a strong WiFi connection. I think (but don't know) that Spotlight does most of its work when the machine is asleep or...
  7. A

    Create .dictionary file from .txt or other method

    Hi Guys! I already have a hungarian-english and english-hungarian dictionary, which is working fine with the original dictionary app (file extension: .dictionary). I would like to have a german-hungarian and hungarian-german dictionary too, but I've not found this type of dictionary file yet...
  8. R

    Stop Spotlight from translating app names?

    I'm not even sure if this appeared just now (I was using Monolingual as well as trying to stop Spotlight from indexing external disks such as Time Machine backup) but this is when I noticed it. My whole system is installed in English, but I'm not in an English-speaking country or time-zone, and...
  9. S

    Incredible CPU drain from corespotlightd

    Hello Everyone, Ever since the last .1 upgrade to macOS 11.2.1 (20D74) I have had an incredible CPU drain from the background applicationEver since the last .1 upgrade to macOS 11.2.1 (20D74) I have had an incredible CPU drain from the background application corespotlightd. As this is an...
  10. patearrings

    Messages and Spotlight crashing in Big Sur

    Anyone else have this problem? It has been there since 11.0.1 (initial release of big sur was fine) and it now persists in 11.2 Messages wont launch and just bounces in the dock and then becomes unresponsive. It also wipes out all my contact names in the messages app and just shows their...
  11. vanveengames

    Spotlight Much Worse?

    Just updated today, spotlight seems worse in every way. 1. It sometimes fails to find a file, I can type the exact name and extension of a file on my desktop or in my sites folder, and it will just outright not find it. Default option is to google it, yeah thanks 2. Calculations are worse...
  12. harkon

    iOS 14 Spotlight Search not showing apps and contacts

    Hi all, since upgrading to iOS 14 yesterday my Spotlight search seems to be broken. It’s not showing apps or contacts anymore. Restart didn’t solve the issue. Is there someone else experiencing this or has someone found a solution perhaps?
  13. T

    macOS Mail Constantly Downloading Messages

    I have a G-Suite account that I have an email domain for my business through. I've been using this since 2009 and have had no issues until about 9 months ago when I noticed my mail downloading 200,000+ emails. It does this so much now that my ISP (Xfinity) has told me that I've reached my...
  14. G

    Spotlight not searching Time Capsule drive, indexing enabled

    When using Spotlight search, it is not finding a specific file, which I know is located on my Time Capsule drive, which, of course, is mounted and indexing thereof is enabled. Please, see below relevant Terminal extract: Martin@Martins-MacBook-Pro ~ % mdutil -s /...
  15. M

    Spotlight not showing finder folders

    Hi guys, I have a problem to which I don't find any solution. Spotlight is not showing any finder folders anymore. Rebuilding the index, meddling with the spotlight privacy settings, or any first page google suggestions did not work. Curiously, finder folders on an external hard drive do show...
  16. A

    Spotlight doesn't convert to the custom currency

    Hi guys, I can't get the required currency conversion on my Mac (Catalina10.15.4) using Spotlight. I've added the new currency to Calculator (Ukrainian Hryvna) But Spotlight shows only default currency conversions Even if I type the currency code nothing changes In "Language...
  17. C

    Console "Destroyed bonjour devices" and ext.HD

    Dear Macrumors community, Running MCP2015, 10.15.4 I was using a seagate external HD yesterday to review (a large number of short) videos. on checking those (with space) I noticed some of them where buggy, slow, glitching and sometimes impossible to watch. Thinking it might have to do with...
  18. sandrokan

    Spotlight to return "name matches" first?

    Hi all, any way to force Spotlight to list "name matches" first, or to force "name matches" to be the default behaviour? If I look for a file that I know the name of, say "Aurora.mat", and I type "Aurora", then I am flooded by millions of documents where the word "Aurora" appears, but not in the...
  19. A

    Macbook Pro 2017 - No touch bar Screen Problem to fix or not to fix??

    Basically I had the spot light issue for some time, then all of a sudden my macbook died - screen went black. Took it to the mac service provider and the guy immediately opened the screen just a little bit and boom screen turned on. He explained that if you opened the lid completely screen...
  20. S

    MacOS Catalina: Quicklook/Spotlight add-ins not working

    Quicklook and Spotlight plug-ins for metadata viewing worked prior to 10.15. These were very useful for showing publication information details (year, description, etc.). For some reason they no longer work. Maybe all third-party plug-ins for Quicklook and Spotlight are disabled now by the OS...