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  1. J

    NOTES bug in 10.14.4

    Since updating all my devices yesterday, handwritten content no longer shows up in Notes on my MacBook Pro. iCloud is syncing fine; new notes and typed content sync promptly. I have tried toggling notes on/off in System Preferences to no avail. Anyone else seeing similar problems?
  2. F

    One HUGE Problem with MS Office

    Like many of us, I have used MS Office for years. Like many of us, I have had access to MS Office through school, work and personal accounts. The fact that MS cannot merge accounts and so much is dependent on privileges, has created a CF of epic proportions for many of us. The fact that this has...
  3. Laisha

    Hard Drive Failed, Carbonite Blew Up, iCloud Stole Everything, and More!

    I'm angry at everything here. I have long backed up my Mac mini with Carbonite and with Time Machine. I figured I'd never have a problem if I had both. Well, last week, the hard drive on my Mac mini failed. We had to drive 5 hours away to the nearest "Genius Bar." e has to get a hotel, which...
  4. AJAAY

    iPhone iCloud Issues after upgrading to iOS 12

    I'm currently having an issue with my iPhone 8 plus not downloading data from iCloud. However, it still can upload data to iCloud. This happened right after upgrading to iOS 12. I noticed during the update, when it asked me to enter my iPhone passcode to access data stored on iCloud it got...
  5. T

    My (star) ratings for songs aren't syncing between iTunes & my iOs Devices

    I have been having problems with the (star) rating for my songs aren't syncing between my iMac and my iPhone & iPad. Usually if i add the a rating to my iPhone or iPad it syncs to my iMac. However, when i add a rating (ex. 4 stars) on my iPhone, it doesn't sync to my iMac. Does anyone else have...
  6. seme332

    iCloud Drive Files not uploading/downloading

    Hey everyone, I have had a problem for the past few days where my files on Desktop and the Documents folder are not syncing correctly on macOS 10.13.5. Files don‘t get uploaded and are stuck on botch my iMac and my MacBook Pro. I have so far tried a restart and moved a few files that were not...
  7. H

    Contacts iCloud Syncing Insanity Across Mac, iPhone, iPad

    Ever since the MobileMe debacle of duplicating records, Apple has proven time and time again that they SUCK at syncing via the cloud. I specifically downgraded to iTunes in order to sync Contacts via direct connect USB in an effort to avoid iCloud. However, as High Sierra progressed...
  8. E

    Photo organising/syncing with Mac and iOS

    Hey everyone, I was looking into how to finally organise the pictures on my phone, and since i got a mac i thought it would be great to just sync it to the photos app and do all the album arranging etc on it rather than on the phone. (there's like years of photos and images videos etc on the...
  9. I

    My Bookmarks won't sync on one machine

    I have four iCloud machines: MacBook 2010, iPhone, iPad, and MacBook 2015. All have the latest system Bookmarks all sync on the MacBook 2010, iphone and iPad, but not the MacBook 2015, which never reflects changes in the other three (and changes made on the MacBook 2015 are not reflected on...
  10. Mr. 123

    Sync iTunes video to iPad

    Hello, I want to put some videos via iTunes to my iPad. I would tag the videos in iTunes so that they look good on the iPad. My question is: is it possible to sync those videos to the iPad and then delete them from the computer (while they stay on the iPad even if I sync with iTunes again after...
  11. GerWol

    Apple Music not syncing to my iPhone

    I use Apple Music on my iPad, Mac and iPhone. If I add an album / playlist to my Mac it syncs to the iPad (and vice versa) perfectly but not to the iPhone. And when I add an album to the iPhone it appears only there and not on the other two devices. I have ICloud Music Library switched on on...
  12. Mr. 123

    iCloud Tabs question

    Hello, My main computer where I do most of my work is on El Capitan (I tried Sierra but it slowed it down so I reverted). My iPhone is currently on iOS10 but I'm thinking of upgrading to iOS11. I read somewhere that updating to 11 would make it impossible to sync safari tabs between my El...
  13. F

    are contacts pushed or pulled?

    I have an iPhone 6S, and I have contacts in gmail and iCloud and they both show on my phone. I have a lot and want to clean them up - remove ones I don't call often and ones that have email address only without a number. For the gmail ones, I can either do it from my laptop, in, or...
  14. S

    iCloud Notes no longer sync between iPhone, iPad and Mac

    This was working fine for months but these past few days, suddenly the Notes syncing no longer works. - Notes I created in iPhone does not show up in iPad or Mac - Notes I created in Mac does not show up in iPad or iPhone I tried disabling/enabling Notes in iCloud, rebooting the devices, etc...
  15. GreenApple29

    Contact on iphone but not on mac

    hello all i have been using my iCloud account on iPhone, iPad, mac mini and MacBook pro not sure when this issue started but i am experiencing an issue with one of my contacts My contact has 2 mobil numbers and on email address associated. When he sends me an iMessage on my iPhone it brings his...
  16. T

    iOS 10 Mail not Syncing

    I have an iPhone 7 Plus running iOS 10.2.1, late 2009 MacBook Pro running 10.11.6, and an 2013 iMac running 10.12.3. Lately I have been experiencing problems with the Mail app on my iPhone. I have one iCloud email account and one Gmail account for business using IMAP. When deleting or archiving...
  17. S

    Will this setup work?

    Alright, I'm buying one of the new MacBooks in the next few months and I'm trying to plan...I apologize for the long post... I currently have an Early 2009 (I know, I know!) iMac and a regular old 2TB external hard drive. A partition on that drive serves as the destination for my automatic Time...
  18. D

    Auto syncing a bunch of audio and videos clips

    Hi there, I received a bunch of audio and video files for a short film. I have 10 scenes worth video coverage and lav and boom audio for each scene. I tried Plural eyes but the programs seems to be having a hard time with most of the files. I have Premiere CC but for tons of video and audio...
  19. H

    Transferring POP3 emails to new iPhone

    Hi, is it possible to transfer locally stored emails to a new iPhone? Since the emails are stored locally on my iPhone there should be a way to transfer them to a new iPhone! Is there a 3rd party app or program (preferable freeware :)) for this purpose? Or is there even a way it can be done...