I bet most of you knew this but if you didn't, typing this turns off indexing:
sudo mdutil -i off /Volumes/drivename (replace drivename with your hard drive name, or drag hard drive icon to Terminal)
It can be really helpful if your PPC machine is lagging after installing a new OS, or after...
Hello Apple friends.
It's sad the screen orientation was taken away for the main display (it only appears if you plug in a second monitor) in Monterey but is there a Terminal code to bring it back in the Display Preferences so there's no need to use the beta (will most likely have side-effects)...
Hello Apple friends.
In the heat of the moment, at work (while there's discussion perhaps), I accidentally turned On FileVault encryption which is slowing things down and those who need to access my public files (Sharing thing) can't easily access my drive (Public folders) but I was actually...
After completing a clean install of Monterey on my MacBook Pro 2018, the vim editor in MacOS Recovery Terminal is no longer functioning properly. It will open the file after giving the error, but after pressing "i" to start editing, I get random letters all over the place. It's bizarre. Vim has...
Many years ago I taught myself some Bash and Python and wrote a couple of scripts which I still use all the time for work. So far this hasn't been a problem as I was still using Sierra on my old Mac.
But now I just got a new Mac Studio running Monterey, which seems to have ditched both Bash and...
Hello Mac and Apple friends.
Where can I find the complete manual for the Z Shell which seems to be a an upgrade shell of Bash.
Is there a built-in manula inside the shell itself that I can type in macOS's Terminal? If so, what is the command?
I've used sudo mount -t hfs /dev/disk2...
I am planning to do a manual migration and will thusly have to transfer a lot of data. This may seem silly but is there a better way than just using the Finder? I remember using the Terminal a long time ago for something like this, but I've forgotten why I did that. Do some bash commands offer...
Hi. Is there any command that can be typed in Terminal (macOS Moneterey) to make AirPlay work with old Macs like the Late 2015 5K iMac and the iPhone 6s Plus (which has AirPlay I believe, coz' I see it in Settings)?
Thank you.
God bless, Revelation 21:4
I need to write a very simple shell script that will check if the system is configured to enforce multi-factor authentication.
To verify that the system is configured to enforce multi-factor authentication, run the following commands:
If the results do not show "enforceSmartCard=1", this is a...
I try to use to turn on the LogClientIdentity-Setting on macOS-Caching like https://support.apple.com/de-de/guide/mac-help/mchl91e7141a/mac
Is that this command?
$ sudo -u _assetcache defaults write /Library/Preferences/com.apple.AssetCache.plist LogClientIdentity -string true
But it...
Hi there, I have a 2018 Mac Mini (i7, 16GB, 512GB SSD).
The internal bluetooth is unusable to connect to my Apple trackpad (interference probably made worse by the large number of devices plugged in to all available ports).
I've been happily using a BT dongle in one of the USB ports on my...
I think my partition map is corrupted? can anyone help with my hard drive and using fsck or similar as disk utility cannot repair and I have tried fsck but need help with the process of it
And to see if disk is being held by fsck_msdos or fsck_exfat command - tried ps aux | grep to see...
I'm running into an issue where if an app crashes, and I click 'Reopen', then macOS launches Terminal, and within Terminal, reopens the app. If I quit Terminal, that will kill the app as well.
In the 15 years I've used macOS, I have never witnessed this behavior when clicking 'Reopen'. It's...
I am excited to show my new application, ShellHistory. I can say that I started working on it four years ago when I published my little shell script dbhist. That script was convenient. It kept shell history from many macs for the last years (close to 100,000 records). But it was a time for an...
When I Run Any Sudo Commands I get:
sudo: /etc/sudoers is owned by uid 501, should be 0
sudo: no valid sudoers sources found, quitting
sudo: error initializing audit plugin sudoers_audit
This behavior starts at a failed mongodb installation and increased by the last 11.3.1 big sur update...
always before Disk Drill app I have turned off SIP by typing: csrutil disable. Then, to turn SIP back on i have always typed: csrutil enable.
So now i am told to type: csrutil enable —without fs. What is the command fs in DD instructions. If i type it, what do i type to turn SIP back on? I...