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user interface

  1. Jupiter9

    Smaller clock after iOS 14

    Has Apple ever explained why did they make the clock smaller on TouchID phones but not on the ones with notch? Strange design decision.
  2. Z

    Big Sur's white-on-white UI makes "Increase contrast" option attractive

    In addition to some nice improvements, Apple also made some truly BIZARRE UI choices in Big Sur. There are entire areas with white controls on white background. Controls are totally lost in the background. It's hard to imagine it was a conscious decision to do this - but I guess it was. Looks...
  3. B S Magnet

    Resolved The “Open With…” Finder fly-out thread

    Something’s been low-key nagging at me for a little while as I flip-flop between machines running Tiger, Leopard, and Snow Leopard, versus running stuff newer like Sierra (or Mountain Lion, via VMware): What’s the process behind the “Open With…” fly-out in Finder and why does it behave...
  4. purdnost

    A Few Bugs/Quirks in Apple Card UI in Wallet

    Are these affecting anyone else? 1. If I tap the "Pay Early" button and then tap on "Show Keypad", the payment circle moves to the top of the screen and inside the circle, the text reads "NO INTEREST CHARGES", but it's awkwardly placed as it overlaps the circle. 2. There's no way to hide the...
  5. F

    Why Apple still sucks at software design??

    I mean look at this. Are they blind or what? With cluttered wallpaper like that the text is almost unreadable. One would think that they'll learn a lesson since iOS 7... but no. I wouldn't normally make this thread, but the fact they proudly showing it in the new iPad Pro ad is just mind...
  6. gus_0001

    I saw a redesigned Apple Music, so I (kinda) redesigned it again

    Hey guys, just finished my first UI project! Would be really happy for you guys check it out! Here's the link for the Medium post:
  7. R

    Native Apple software documents and interfaces disappear

    Yosemite 10.10.5, oldschool Mac Pro flashed to 5,1. This behavior started a while ago. First, it's just been TextEdit: occasionally, when I've had TextEdit document(s) open in the background and the app is running, when I activate TextEdit again in order to bring the document window visible...
  8. PeLaNo

    Why Apple don’t fix this ?

    This look very lazy design IMO.
  9. hydejekyll

    Are any old mac OS version UI skins etc available?

    Hi, I have always loved the old classic UI of the Apple platform. I truly, truly hate the sudden loss of skeuomorphism in the UI that has been caused by Mr. Ive. I am sure he wouldn't have done this as long as Mr. Jobs was around. While I understand that many people wanted the change, I also...
  10. U

    Is it just me, or is Apple's ability to create attractive UI styling gotten pretty poor?

    When iOS 7 first landed, I nearly blew a head gasket. I do UX design for a living, and many aspects of the new flat design language (at least Apple's take on it) just rubbed me the wrong way. I think they got some things right and (in my option) other things pretty wrong. This point is basically...
  11. M

    Need advice on iOS app UI design

    I'm currently writing an app and I'd like someone's opinion on my current design choices. Any feedback can be publicly posted here but I'd feel more comfortable sharing my designs privately as I am writing this app on my own. I've never written an app to be submitted for the App Store before...