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  1. Sovon Halder

    What Happened To Hardware Acceleration in High Sierra?

    I read in some threads that VLC already supports hardware decode. Even a VLC developer said this. To me and to my specific usage, VLC is pure horses**t. It's the worst player being intensive resource hog that doesn't seem to think about battery at all. I found IINA and have been using it since...
  2. psionicsin

    Apps Access Folders/Files from Mac via VLC on ATV4/5?

    Hey guys, I just can't seem to figure this out with VLC on Apple TV, and sharing folders to view form my Mac. What are the exact steps of what I need to first do on my Mac, in order to browse folders and watch files off of my computer from VLC on my Apple TV 4K?
  3. E

    Streaming Live Audio Between Devices

    Hi all, Looking to crowdsource some ideas. We are trying to stream live audio from one room to another across a local-only* wireless network. *this is of particular relevance as we have had issues with getting certain devices, especially iOS ones to stay on a local-only network. We are...

    Universal Remote for VLC - A Free app to control VLC Media Player on PC & Mac

    Hello everyone, I'm Adarsh, an Indie dev, I've been working for more than three months on my first iOS app, finally I've launched it on App Store :). My app is called Remote for VLC (aka VLC Mobile Remote), it's an app to control VLC Media Player on Windows, OS X or Linux. Please give it a try...
  5. bobesch

    Handbrake and VLC on PowerPC

    I 've encountered this "32-bit Handbrake asking for a 32-bit VLC" issue today. Couldn't really figure out, how to solve the problem when reading this thread: "32 bit PPC version of Handbrake not recognizing PPC version of VLC"...
  6. Stjepan

    Video playing from a network drive?

    I can't seem to find a video playing app with one basic feature: to play videos from a network share?! Is there a special reason for this or I'm not seeing something obvious? It's one of the basic "use cases" I had when buying iPad, and now I can't get it to work!? So, the movies are on a...
  7. T

    Extra CPU or better disk?

    I have an old Mid 2011 Mac Mini (2,3GHz i5, 8GB) that is starting to slow down. It lags on 1080p movies in VLC and unpacking big +4GB .rar files takes a long time. I am therefor thinking of buying a new Mac Mini. I will definitely buy the top model, but I am unsure of custom options. I want...
  8. P4ulypops

    iPad Pro Camera Adaptor :: Videos

    Hi All, I'm going to Hospital for a big op, at the end of the month - and i'll be in there for a couple of weeks... I have a iPad Pro, and a USB3 hard drive filled with video-content i've aquired over the years; MKVs, MP4s, AVIs... I'm not sure of all the formats, but Plex plays them all. I...
  9. M

    Adding subtitles to a DVD on my mac with VLC

    I have bought several German DVDs that do not have subtitles. Previously I have been able to add a subtitle (.srt file) using VLC and play the DVD with that on my mac. Now I can’t get it to work anymore. The selected subtitle file shows up as a selectable subtitle track in the subtitle menu, but...
  10. M

    VLC on AppleTV 4G won't read anything from Mac server

    My setup is relatively simple: I have an iMac with Apple's Server app doing file sharing (SMB enabled for shares), a hardwired gigabit network, and a 32GB AppleTV with VLC on it. VLC sees the iMac on the network, and when I enter a valid userID and password it connects... but then just gives an...
  11. UhFive

    Apps VLC for Apple TV released!