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  1. J

    VMware Fusion & Battery Life on 2016 MBP without Touchbar?

    Hi all, I currently use a 2012 MBA (i7 Ivy Bridge with 8GB of RAM) as my work computer. I end up having to do lots of things in Windows (via VMware Fusion), such as Visio and some other specialized applications, but I love Mac OS (used it for my personal machines for many years). My MBA has...
  2. tselog

    Reco for iMac setup - dual OS or vm

    Hi all. I just want to get your input on how to setup my iMac. I upgraded to a new-to-me iMac (27-in Mid 2010). I upgraded it from Yosemite to Sierra. I had an older iMac (20-in iMac 2007) running Snow Leopard that crapped out, which had Office 2008, Adobe CS2 Premium, and Adobe Acrobat 8...
  3. NotABigTruck

    Virtualization software for New Macbook Pro

    I will very likely be using a new 15" Pro soon and will be using 2 VMs or possibly 3 depending on how smoothly I can get 2 to run. I do security work and want to experiment with tools in different OSes. Root OS being MacOS, then possibly 2 flavors of Linux (Kali & undecided) and probably Windows...
  4. ZapNZs

    Running Windows VMs on a MacBook...will it work for me?

    My 2011 MBP15 has a defective GPU, and while I will eventually purchase another MBP15, I would prefer to wait until an option with 32GB of RAM becomes available, as I often run multiple VMs at the same time on both of my 15-inch MBPs (plus it gives me time to save for a large expenditure as...
  5. ccrunner_tj

    Problem with automatic tabs in Sierra

    I'm having an issue with the tabs feature in Sierra - I use VMware Fusion to run a Windows VM at work, and sometimes I like to use both of my displays for the VM in full screen if I'm hunkering down in the Windows environment. So I turn on the option in VMware to use all displays in full screen...
  6. Mr. Retrofire

    VMware Fusion: VMware lays off developers

    VMware has decided to lay off the entire Fusion and Workstation teams. See also: and