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  1. D

    AW changed my PB for 5k and 10k

    Hi all, I started running with my Ultra since release. Still running with my Garmin (just cant lose my stats). And everything was just fine until me and my girlfriend tried to compare our PBs. Now to the problem, when i check my "badges" for the PBs for 5k and 10k they are different the the...
  2. D

    Battery replacement - or new watch?

    I have a Series 4 which I’ve owned for 3.5 years now. It still does everything I need but, predictably, the battery life is starting to become a problem near the end of the day, with battery health currently at 81%. Apple will replace the battery for £80 (I don’t fancy using a third party...
  3. M

    The competition awards are broken after win/lose

    Hey ! I have a trouble from months with my competitions. I don't know where I can help to fix this. I have actually iOS and watchOS but my competition awards didn't get. I should have an award after win or lose but always is the same problem. Days to end:competition_end_day. I have 3 or 4 empty...
  4. MikeMcCollister

    iOS 16.2 and Workout Focus Turns Itself Off

    I have my iPhone set up sot that my Fitness focus mode is enabled when I start a workout. This was worked well for about a year now. However, starting with what I believe was iOS 16.2 and watchOS 9.2, that option will sometimes turn itself off. I have to go back into the Fitness Focus mode and...
  5. E

    Focus and Automation help for silentmode.

    Hello everyone, first of all I wanna wish a "Happy New Year" to you guys! :) 🥂 I have a question, maybe you guys can help me out. I'm owning an iPhone 14P and a AW8 and I wanna create a Focus/Automation. It should contain the function when I go to work (easy doable with GPS tracking) the...
  6. Phatzer

    Apple Watch Race Routes not updating after run

    Hey, I tried out the new race routes feature in watchOS 9.2 yesterday and it worked well, plus I beat my PB by a minute so I was happy with that progress. However, there's now a problem... If I choose the same route again today, it still shows the previous run on that race, not the one from...
  7. eds93

    Music search really slow on Watch Series 8

    Hi all, I'm having some troubles when streaming music from Music app directly from my Watch series 8. When not playing anything, the search is fast (1-2 sec max). When I'm already streaming something and the wheel icon on the watch is present, indicating some wireless activity or syinc with...
  8. Jamo12

    When is a ‘tech accessory’ actually obsolete?

    Having looked throughout computer history, there is an interesting phenomenon that has been happening recently that has not happened before. It has to do with tech accessories. For the purposes of this thread, I consider a tech accessory a smaller computer that supplements a different one (think...
  9. iultra

    Apple Watch Ultra: Cellular US model in Europe

    Hey everyone, I live in Denmark and during my recent trip to US I've purchased the latest Apple Watch Ultra (A2622). I'm new to cellular Apple Watches, therefore had no idea that multiple watch variants exist until I tried to activate data plan on the watch after getting back. When I go into...
  10. vahdyx

    Does the apple watch not give sleep results until after your sleep schedule?

    I did some research and just learned this morning that you don't need to use sleep schedule to track sleep. I haven't verified this, but apparently you can just use the Sleep Focus mode to manually track sleep; turn it on and then turn it off when you wake up. Not sure if this will answer my...
  11. MikeMcCollister

    watchOS 9.0 Slow Weather App

    I have a temperature complication for the built-in weather app on my Series 5 Apple Watch. Starting with watchOS 9.0, I have found that when I tap on the complication, it takes longer to come up with the next 10 hours of temperature. It shows a small circle of unknown temperatures and 1-2...
  12. edhchoe

    Watch face doesn't go dark in sleep mode

    My watch face does not go to sleep in sleep mode. How can I make it go completely dark when I turn on Sleep Mode?
  13. mikezmac

    iFixit teardown looks at the guts of the Apple Watch Ultra

    The tear down is posted by ifixit iFixit teardown looks at the guts of the Apple Watch Ultra The commentator seems anti apple, or confused, but it’s a good video, regardless
  14. N

    Watch Face for Toddler?

    What solution does everyone use when you have a toddler that likes to touch the watch face? I've been using water mode or the Photos Face. I wish they had a "Child Mode" where they could move things on the watch screen, but it didn't change anything.
  15. mikezmac

    Tough mudder review while wearing the Apple Watch ultra

    I wanted to share this review with you. It is a gentleman who did a tough mudder wearing the Apple Watch ultra. I enjoyed the review, I hope you do as well.
  16. 0

    Should I buy an Apple Watch

    So I’ve have several Apple watches over the years. I actually had the Pebble before too. I don’t use any of the “key features” and use the watch solely for notifications and to see who is calling without taking out my phone. The notifications have always been buggy, arriving several seconds, or...
  17. camilowsky7

    Missing Icons in Watch App on iPhone

    Does anyone have missing icons in the watch app after updating to iOS 16 or pairing the apple watch to iPhone 14 pro? Currently, icons for Apple Watch Keyboard, Apple TV Keyboard, Screen Time, and Tracking Notifications are missing under Notifications-> Show Notifications on Wrist Down ->...
  18. T

    Is Apple Manipulating Battery Health?

    I have seen mention of this topic on iPhones, but I wonder if the battery health figure is reliable on the Watch. My S4 (used almost daily for close to four years) has seen a slow but steady decline in battery health but stayed at a constant 87% since the last watchOS update (os 8). However...
  19. A

    When Apple Stores will have Apple watch 8

    So just went to the local Apple Store and they said they are out of stock for Apple watch 8. Checking Apple website, it says all nearby stores are also out of stock. When a product launches, how long after the launch, you can go to the store and buy the product? Delivery right now is Oct 17.
  20. N

    Watch Ultra on Verizon

    Verizon doesn't have preorders until Friday just like the iPhone 14, but does anyone know how the Cellular thing is going to work with them? Will Verizon have the option to be GPS only? Just curious since the Ultra is GPS and/or Cellular.