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  1. R

    Macbook Pro Humidity Issue

    Hello, I have a Macbook Pro and I think It's having a humidity issue. Yesterday the cover was closed and I left a half-wet shirt on top of it for around 20 minutes, and when I was back it was not opening. I tried rebooting, SMC etc. I flipped it so the keyboard was facing down and after a while...
  2. L

    iPhone 6(S)/Plus Wanted battery replacement but refused due to water damage however there has been no water damage?

    Hey guys, Hoping someone will be able to help me. A bit background, I have an IPhone 6, which I got in December 2017 so about 18 months ago. My phone battery has gone and needs replacing. As you probably know because of the bad press with the slowing down of old iPhones/ battery wear down...
  3. G

    HELP!! Water spilled on keyboard

    A dumb mistake to put water by my keyboard, and my cat got to it. None of the keys were working for hours after the spill. I was in bed and my computer turned on, so I checked the keyboard and now some of the keys work. The confusing thing is- Keys above the space bar don't work "P" key lowers...
  4. M

    S3 Water resistance test

    Ok, so I got my S3 LTE last week and before going swimming, decided to get it pressure tested ( as you would with any other water resistant Watch after a battery replacement or repair... ). Luckily I have a friend who repairs analogue watches for a living so I asked him to use the machine to...
  5. S

    iPhone 6 motherboard replaced, is it at risk?

    hello, I'm a complete newbie when it comes to iPhones. My iPhone 6 got wet and 20 minutes later it shut off. I took it to a shop where they took it apart and dried all the pieces. They said the motherboard was broken and needed to be replaced. 24 hours later I went to pick it up and they said...
  6. A

    Apple Genius Bar Query UK

    Hi guys, I live in the UK and I visited the Apple Genius Bar back in May regarding damage to my Mac. Does anyone know if Apple keep a record of past Genius appointments and Damage reports? My mac had water damage back in May and Apple were charging too much to fix so I took it to a private...
  7. Toothpick134

    To sell? Or to fix? MacBook Pro

    Hi Everyone! I wanted to get some advice regarding my MacBook Pro's situation. (I'm in the UK) My MacBook Pro Retina, 13-inch, Early 2015 was water damaged some months ago. Long story short I got the '?' folder and after some stressful visits to various repair stores I was told the data is...
  8. jhock

    Other Touch Screen response with sweaty fingers

    I've spent an hour searching on this topic but can't find much information. How well do various touchscreen models respond to sweat? I'm a seriously into fitness and find that during gym sessions i can't operate my iPhone 6 screen whilst my hands are sweaty. Is their any new tech in the 6s, 7...
  9. Ponta

    HELP! Dropped iPhone in Water; Please Give Advice

    My iPhone 6 slipped from my hand into a toilet bowl at home; fortunately, the water was clean (as much as it gets), and, while muttering, "No, no, no, No, NO!" I quickly fished it out, and as soon as I could, powered it off. I then removed it from its case, dried it off as best I could with...
  10. A

    Iphone 5s unresponsive

    Hi, So two days ago I dropped my iPhone 5s (with otterbox case) in water, I immediately picked it up ran inside and dried the phone any way I could, for a while the phone said that the headphones were plugged in and the mic would only work with the headphones plugged in, then the next day it was...
  11. harmonyyy7

    Spilled water in mac.. working

    Hi! before I start I have had this 13 inch Macbook pro for 5 months. Ok so maybe 7 hours ago I spilled half a glass of water inside the back of my computer. It was turned on but nothing was plugged into it. It made a loud buzzing noise for a few seconds but the screen looked the same & worked...
  12. J

    Carrier some sound gone after little water damage iphone6s

    please help :( my iphone 6s got caught in a little water in my handbag not like i dropped it fully in the sink. i didn't realise till 11 hours later that some sound had gone so my phone is currently sat in some rice to try and dry anything out. what works - get a ringtone sound upon people...
  13. M

    i spilled water on my macbook air help.

    Hi, the other day i was just watching a movie on my mac when i accidentally spilled water on my keyboard (top right power button) it immediately turned off by itself which made me very worried so i flipped it upside down and got some water out. i then wiped it with tissue and blow dried it on...
  14. K

    iPhone dropped into water but still works

    I dropped my iPhone SE (fully submerged) in water for about 10 seconds 8 hours ago and it still works. My camera, speakers and headphone jack are still working. When I removed the sim card slot from my phone it was dry, and my sim card is working as well. One thing that I did wrong was not...
  15. R

    Late-acting water damage?

    I was taking a bath and dropped my iPhone 4 into the water. It had a water resistant (Not water proof) case. it went under for less than a second, and the charging hole never went under at all, but I immediately shut it off, removed the case, wiped it off with a towel, and grabbed a bag of rice...
  16. circatee

    Washing dishes, shower, etc.

    For those that shower with the Apple Watch, etc., do you have to set the 'water' option PRIOR to going into water (shower, washing dishes, swimming, etc.)? Or, can I get the watch wet, then use the water symbol (where you scroll up on the watch face) and select it to then extract water...
  17. Jamesbrssa

    Water in mac, Working but a problem to troubleshoot

    Hi, So yes sadly after using my 100% working macbook pro 6 years it finally happened. Water went into it... Here the story: Glass of water(beer) fall on mac. I grab it fast as I can , flip it upside down (keyboard facing the floor) , shut it down, unplug and wipe the excess water.v Then I...
  18. thinkpink1434

    Series 2 swimming experiences?

    Hi guys, I just bought the SS black Milanese loop series 2 and am a little nervous to take it in the pool/ocean with me. Technology and water just don't go well and I don't want to ruin a $700 watch. Has anyone tried swimming with their watch yet or take a shower with it? Any problems...
  19. JaiyoInc

    Universal Water Widget for Fitbit

    Easily log water to Fitbit!
  20. frifra

    Apple watch series 2 - not waterproof up to 50m

    Hi guys, just to avoid watergate when aw series 2 comes out: AW series 2 is not waterproof for up to 50m of diving even though it was mentioned in the macrumors video about the top 5 facts about the aw series 2. "Water Resistant 50 Meters" does mean: During the keynote the following was...