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  1. H

    app that detect faulty wifi connection and switch auto

    Hello, is there an iPhone app that detect when the wifi network has no internet (like when my router start his daily malfunction) and automatically change to another wifi network? right now I have a strong signal wifi network but occasionally the router doesn't really have internet connection...
  2. MhChalet

    Getting back Wifi Passwords through Keychain

    Hi, Yesterday I logged in to iCloud on a work computer to look for a photo I took a while ago. iCloud asked me to change my password because it wasn't save enough. So I changed it, but because of that I got some trouble with iMessage not activating anymore. After searching a bit online I found...
  3. bardefiorello

    Wifi issue

    Hello, In short, my wifi just stopped working on my macbook pro. I was just using the internet, and then went to do something else. I wasn't using the internet while doing that, which was about 30 minutes or so. Then I went back to the internet to check my gmail account when I noticed...
  4. abhi182

    Macbook 12 Wifi weak?

    I use a Netgear R7000 router that used to provide almost full coverage over two floors in my house on almost all my devices. I recently got a Macbook 12 which seems to be having major issues when it is some distance away from the router e.g. In a room where I used to get seamless connectivity on...
  5. Sinik343

    Blocked from connecting to Wifi because of jailbroken iPad

    Howdy. So this is what I need help with: my school just last week changed the wifi password because a bunch of students who weren't supposed to have it knew the password (ooooooopppss lol). So now they must have updated their security and and now when they entered the password, my iPad...
  6. R

    9.3.1 still bad after ? weeks now! IT'S APRIL 18th!

    Just read about the massive $ in gold retrieval from old phones that Apple is collecting. That's nice. Now, how about getting my (less than 1 yr old,) iPhone 6+ to work correctly after the iOS 9.3.1 updates and supposed fixes !!! I have spent many, MANY days, and far too much time on this...
  7. M

    Late 2009 27" iMac internal bluetooth / wifi upgrade - crash on login screen

    I'm attempting to upgrade the internal bluetooth on my late 2009 27" iMac. I installed the adapter board, card, disconnected the old bluetooth card and booted but see something strange. The machine gets sluggish and then crashes at the login screen while the wifi icon flickers between on and...
  8. S

    iPad cant connect to the internet, wifi is connected.

    hello, my ipad third gen is connected to wifi, but cant connect to the internet. thats the only device in house with that problem. the wifi unit has been replaced but it didnt help. i have a video here which shows the problem: would be great if anyone got an idea...
  9. limonair

    Wifi problems

    Hello, I am having troubles with wifi since my clean install of El Capitan 10.11.4 on my MacBook Pro 9,1 (15" mi 2012). I can connect sometimes to my wifi router but the connection is not staying. A ping in the Terminal show regularily no route to host or very long response time. When I try...
  10. MRxROBOT

    Resolved Anybody here using Time Machine over WiFi with a DD-WRT router?

    I would love to hear experiences with this setup.
  11. AronDraws

    Using old iPhone 5 as iPod

    Hi! So I was originally going to try to trade in my old iPhone 5 when they were offering $200 towards the purchase of an SE with it, but when they cut that down to $100 I said screw it, and decided to keep it and use it as an iPod (I have an iPod video - hardware errors, dead battery, an...
  12. rekkleshen

    Carrier Wifi got virus?

    I use network flowing to play my iphone apps. Everything is good and normal. But when I use wifi, some programs which are always clean suddenly come up with advertisements. Not only my phone, but also my computer(alos use wifi)has displayed some ads on some programs which never appear.
  13. SurFaceMac

    iPad Pro Post your Speed Test results 9.7 & 12.9

    9.7 iPad Pro 128g wi-fi only Cox Cable Internet for wi-fi ATT Wireless LTE for hotspot First is Hotspot: Then using Cox and Cisco wi-fi AP 2.4 Surprised at the speed of Hotspot. Would be interesting to see the speeds others are getting through internal cell data connections.
  14. melissapete24

    406 MB Game will Download without Wifi but not 300 MB Game

    Ok, so I have been looking EVERYWHERE for an answer for this, and I have found NOTHING. At work, I plug in my iPhone to my work computer so it charges, and I have crappy service (we are in a basement). I get right around two bars of 4G; if I'm lucky, I'll snag some LTE. My iPhone is the...
  15. Userx12

    WiFi Connected but NOT working

    Hi, My wifi is connected (full signal), but all wifi functions act like it's not. No dice with safari, apps, apple music, etc. Other devices work fine. Never happened before. I tried resetting network settings, cycling power, but no go. (I don't have cell service (usinf as ipod) so i have no...
  16. IDMah

    Resolved Corsair voyager air 2 plus and router

    Hi all.. So I bought a corsair voyager air 2 plus. With the thought I would use it in the coffee shop or at home as a second drive. It was on sale a couple for a few bucks more than a standard drive. BUT !!! I really wanted to turn it on in the coffee shop leave it in my bag and surf the...
  17. NCEE2016

    Very Strange Wifi Issue on my iPhone 6 Please Help

    I have had no major issues with my iPhone 6 since I bought it. I have been running into this constant problem with the wifi though. I am a contract worker at a major university that has open guest wifi. A couple of weeks ago it stopped working entirely. It connects me to guest wifi but then...
  18. Matyu

    Ipad air 2 wireless speed

    i am currently using my ASUS RT AC5300 router on my 1gbps fibre broadband plan, and i am enjoying a speed up to a minimum of 350-410 mbps for wireless speed based on my 5ghz band..
  19. pozzi

    Bluetooth not working after RAM upgrade on iMac (late 2012)

    Installed new RAM on my late 2012 21.5" i5 Intel iMac and (besides the fact that it's the worst design for any Mac for upgrading something simple like RAM) once reassembled, I no longer have Bluetooth. Bluetooth icon is grayed out with a black zig-zag through it and the status when clicked says...
  20. Sciuriware

    Spontaneous WIFI on at boot

    Hi all, every time I boot up my MacBook, it switches the WIFI on, wanted or not. It does not happen when I wake it up by opening the lid, and it never happened with my iMac. Is there a switch to prevent this? Thanks. ;JOOP!