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  1. arkmannj

    iOS XCode Noob Question: IB linking to Code

    Hello, I am just starting to learn Swift and XCode, and I had a quick question. I'm just learning about linking items in the Interface Builder (From a storyboard or XIB) to code by Ctrl+Click & dragging from the item in IB into the code, where XCode then places some code beginning with...
  2. loon3y

    iOS Using iPad Views From iPhone/iPod Device

    Currently we two storyboards iPad & iPhone. In order for us to print we generate a PDF from our View. The problem with this is that when we generate the pdf, we are giving tableview.bounds. In theory is it possible to reference the iPad Storyboard and populate the iPad view and use that view...
  3. R

    excel to plist or xml

    Hello, I'm very new to the game here, any help would be greatly appreciated. I am generating a quiz using a platform on Xcode. With roughly 7,000 questions that I have pre-generated in excel format I am trying to find a script which can convert my simple excel spreadsheet into appropriate plist...
  4. M

    iOS General questions regarding Swift

    I came from C# development and even though I've been spending the past few months looking into iOS development and know enough to keep me busy for a while, all I've ever seen is people putting code directly into the ViewController leading to a fat controller. My coding experience has led me to...
  5. S

    Can't verify apple ID for developer program?

    Hi, I think I remember reading somewhere that now apple lets you use xcode and it's tools for free without having to pay the 99 dollar annual fee and I wanted to try it out. I have xcode downloaded and I was looking into more developer tools to download but I can't seem to be able and verify my...
  6. M

    macOS How do I mark a source file as for debug builds only?

    I'm going to create a source code file that is meant to be used only in a development environment. Is there a way to tell Xcode to compile the file only for debug builds?
  7. jgelin

    MAS Updates stuck

    Hello all, I am trying to update to the new version of El Cap 10.11.4, and update my version of XCode to 7.3 I have been stuck at the waiting screen, and when it was working it was telling me 2 days 21 hours when my connection is indeed quite fast. I tried to do the Debug>Show downloads and...
  8. P

    iOS How long to official xcode 7.3?

    When do you think that xCode 7.3 will be released? Is there a more appropriate forum for xCode questions BTW? I didn't find any.
  9. N

    iOS UINavigationController is moving

    I have an application and everything works great beside when I display an AdMob Interstitial and when I open MFMailComposeViewController. I am using also WXTabBarController and I changed the look of the Top and Bottom Bar to blurred. After displaying an AdMob Full Screen Interstitial the...
  10. Mr. Chestnut

    iOS Blue Unread message Dot

    Hi, I'm new to swift and iOS app making, and right now I'm working on a messaging app for a school project. Currently, I'm having trouble creating the blue unread message dot that appears next to someones name in Messages app. I have an image of the dot, but what i have to code to make it...
  11. Technologx

    macOS How to link the app menu items to something?

    I want to link the menu items to either my forum or a html document that or another view screen with info on it but I have no idea how to do that. I included a screenshot of what I want to work on.
  12. X

    macOS How to add GLES support in XCode project?

    I've added OpenGL.framework to my project but now I still get following message. I suppose I need it to install via brew tool? But what's the package name I need to install if so? .../nanovg/src/nanovg_gl.h:287:3: Use of undeclared identifier 'glBindTexture' .../nanovg/src/nanovg_gl.h:299:3...
  13. VPrime

    iPad hyperPad - Create Native Games Apps and Prototypes on the iPad

    Hi everyone, we just released a new version of our app hyperPad ( We've just added a bunch of awesome features and made the app even more powerful! If you don't know what hyperPad is: hyperPad is an iPad app that allows you to create native games, apps, and prototypes...
  14. A

    Macbook air or mac mini

    I am trying to decide on whether to buy a macbook air 13" 2015 (4gb ram, 128gb ssd) for $749 or a Mac Mini 2.6ghz 1TB 5400 hd and 8 gb ram for $599. This is a one time discount that I can use. My concern with the air is the 4gb or Ram. How long will this last with new OS releases in the...
  15. Aquamite

    macOS Help Installing C++ Library in El Capitan (boost)

    I have no experience with using other libraries in C++ other than the STL. I have been using clang++ for compiling small C++ codes and projects using Terminal commands with makefiles and rarely I've had to use XCode. However it had to come the day I had to move beyond that soft code beach and...
  16. A

    macOS Problem (or not) with Xcode and C++?

    Hi folks! I'm new at programming territory but think that can explain my situation.. 1) Created simple "Hello World!" with XCode (C++) 2) Trying to add multi line comments 3) And I see this: Instead this: 4) Syntax became normal when: i Cmd+A all text or changing syntax type for another...
  17. stuartmeyers

    Mini or Air Connundrum - Remote Access

    Hi All, I have a challenge. Buy a mini or a second hand air. I have two needs. 1 - a media server for my AppleTV and 2 - to load xcode and learn swift. I am currently using macincloud and performance is not good enough. I also don't have a big budget. So, do I setup a new macbook mini near...
  18. D

    iOS Storyboard size problem

    Hi, I am trying to teach myself how to make apps and I run into a problem I can't seem to figure out. Here it is. I am writting an app for the iPhone 6. But the "infered" size in the storyboard is 320 by 568, wich is for the iphone 5. This is giving me issues as when I run it on the simulator...