Why on earth would anyone consider unlocking after what Apple JUST DID??
If you do, then my dog could probably beat you in a spelling contest. Hope that sentence isn't too offensive.
I unlocked my iPhone after the 1.1.1 update. Personally, I could care less about double tap, downloading from the iTunes store on the go, or video out. Sure the features are nice, but not enough for me to switch from T-mobile to AT&T. AT&T in my area has very spotty coverage, are more expensive, and everyone knows they have bottom of the barrel customer service.
I considered a Touch but decided against it because they put those awful chrome backs on them (what are they thinking making the new Nanos and Touches scratch magnets?), they are having screen issues, and mainly because I wanted all the extra features of the iPhone which, to these hands, feels like a much more substantial product.
My iPhone is working perfectly well with edge ($5.99) per month and everything. It is quite easy to turn off auto-updates in iTunes. If you think about it, have you ever cared about software updates for your past cell phones? Probably not. The updates are nice, but I don't see anything worth switching for me.
I'm confident that the mod community will unlock future updates and if they don't, I don't really care. As far as warranty goes, well I'll admit I'm taking a risk but hopefully there will be a way to revert back to factory eventually. I'm glad I only payed $350 for a refurb instead of $600 at launch though.
I am admittedly an Apple fanboy, but I don't understand those saying that it is wrong to unlock iPhones. To my knowlege the DMCA exception makes it legal to unlock cell phones. I didn't sign any contract or agree to any EULA before unlocking my phone. I put the phone in restore mode, updated the firmware to 1.0.2, and then used iNdependence (third party software) to activate. Thus, bypassing AT&T altogether. As far as modifying the firmware on the iPhone is concerned, people modify their personal copies of OS X and Windows all the time (some going so far to even change the kernel).
BTW, you are probably right, I'm an Engineer, not a Writer, so your dog might be able to out spell me.