My $0.02 worth?
Choice #1 for very noticeable, instant performance increase... Get an SSD for the OS. Turn your current boot drive into the user drive. Beachballs will likely be a thing of the past. $200
Choice #2 for graphics. Get a 5770. I bought a PC version for $115 shipped and took 5 minutes to flash it... running 3 displays off it now. $115 (if you flash it yourself)
Choice #3 if you do a lot of multithreading. Grab a pair of 5345 (2.33GHz) or 5355 (2.66GHz) quad cores off eBay and drop them in there. Octocore with about an hour of work. ~$250 for a pair of 5345's. About $400 for a pair of 5355's.
So about $600 would turn your machine into an entirely new beast.
Alternatively look at the price differential from selling your Pro and grabbing a 2009 or 2010 refurb. If you can get that down into the $1000 differential range then you might be better off with the brand new hardware.
Tough choice... but at least you know there are choices available for the 1,1. Still lot's of life in them in my opinion.
Choice #1 for very noticeable, instant performance increase... Get an SSD for the OS. Turn your current boot drive into the user drive. Beachballs will likely be a thing of the past. $200
Choice #2 for graphics. Get a 5770. I bought a PC version for $115 shipped and took 5 minutes to flash it... running 3 displays off it now. $115 (if you flash it yourself)
Choice #3 if you do a lot of multithreading. Grab a pair of 5345 (2.33GHz) or 5355 (2.66GHz) quad cores off eBay and drop them in there. Octocore with about an hour of work. ~$250 for a pair of 5345's. About $400 for a pair of 5355's.
So about $600 would turn your machine into an entirely new beast.
Alternatively look at the price differential from selling your Pro and grabbing a 2009 or 2010 refurb. If you can get that down into the $1000 differential range then you might be better off with the brand new hardware.
Tough choice... but at least you know there are choices available for the 1,1. Still lot's of life in them in my opinion.