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I have to say im really hoping installer comes out for 2.0

Cydia is such a badly written mess

It locks up all the time meaning I have to hard reset my phone, and there is nothing on it to install of any use whatsoever

I miss installer :(

I disagree, I think Cydia is a good program and has great potential. The newest update seems to make it more stable, although not perfect. Be patient with it, after you install something wait till the little spinning icon by the "AT&T" goes away, then continue. Just give it time.

I also think the fact that you're restoring from a 1.1.4 backup as opposed to a clean slate setup causes slowdowns. I just did a clean restore and the phone definitely works smoother than when i restored from a 1.1.4 backup

The downside is you lose SMS data/notes and have to manually enter all the settings but its a tradeoff i don't mind
If I may be honest Cydia sounds too much like Chlamydia, not worth wasting your time over!
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