I had my bootable clone all ready for the update but I think I'll stay with 10.11.4 for now. Everything is running so smoothly I should enjoy what I have. Thanks guys.
What happens?
if it's working for a late 2009 MacBook
A quick search on the Apple Support forums (and here) will show you that a subset of people have had a problem with literally every single OS update that Apple's released, including during the magical time before the iPhone (when some folks think Macs were perfect).A quick visit to Apple's support forums, and the anecdotes above, shows that I'm not alone in having a bad experience with this new release. And Forbes is now warning people to skip iOS 9.3.2 because it's bricking iPad Pros. Methinks "that guy" should revisit his smugness.
Go for that reset, then Command-R to start Recovery OS and use Disk Utility to verify things.
It still does the same, but one single time it loaded all the way, but just hung there. I left it for 2 hours hoping something would happen but just froze fully loaded (Never restarted for I just forced reset.) Everything has eventually lead to the same resultResult of verification of the OS X startup volume?