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Ok, doesn't hurt to try I guess, only hurts my wallet :) And don't think I'm not going to blame you if it doesn't!! Heh heh, you are an Apple technician, I'll take your word for it! I really hope it does, because it saves me so much cash, you don't think it'll be a hassle to return it do you? And also, can I get the Radeon 8500 Mac edition at CompUSA? I can get the Apple or Dr. Bott converter from the Apple store, that I know. Thanks!
I checked compusa's web site and they don't list the 8500 card for Mac's there. I do know that you can find them online at the places like MacMall (, MacConnection ( and Macwarehouse ( They all list for pretty much the same amount, but do some searching online. They all offer overnight shipping if you really need it fast (and want to spend the $$ on that). I tend to avoid macwarehouse, since I have had a few unsavory experiences with them.

Happy hunting.
Ok, here's the other thing, A radeon 8500 costs (I got this all from MacMall BTW) 267. so $270, then the DVIator costs: $150, the Mac one costs : The same, so total is $420, w/o shipping, so maybe $440 with (?) and this isn't really guarenteed to work, so there's the hassle factor (everyone knows us geeks cannot be disturbed while 'working'!) if I needed to return. Anyhow, the idea is that my local Apple Store has informed me that they have a few GF3 cards in the back cage, and they say they are 'just going to ship them back to Apple when the GF4 Ti's come in' Anyone think I can barter with these people? I think I can, and the sell them for $499, if I could barter, for even 10% off, that's $50 saved right there and it's $450, so ~$30 give or take, I think it's worth a shot, but that's only if they'll let me barter :)

P.S. - BTW I have a quick question, what does Apple do with these GF3 cards when the get mailed back anyway? The Special Deals section? :D
shadowfax0, What is the model of monitor you are intending to use?? Exact model please. What connection is on the monitor?? If the monitor has ADC, then you need to adapter, if not, then you don't need it at all.

The Radeon 8500 (MAC version) WILL work in a Mac system (tower) with an AGP slot. The Radeon 8500 is a superior video card compared to the gf3. What is the memory on those gf3 cards??? Compare same items... The gf4mx is close to the 8500, with the ti MAYBE being better.
That is true, the Radeon 8500 has 128 Mb compared to the 64 Mb of the GF3. The monitor I have is an Apple studio display CRT with an ADC connector, (it's the translucent one) So you do raise a good point about the pricing, thanks!

BTW - The computer I own is a DP 450 G4
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