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Should I get LTE or just Wifi?

  • LTE - The extra 130 bucks would be worth it

    Votes: 48 57.8%
  • Wifi - Don't spend more for a feature that you might not use often enough

    Votes: 35 42.2%

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I use the LTE version of iPad Pro. I am an iOS developer and my requirements are most likely different, but here is my reasoning:
  • I use the LTE mode when my Wi-Fi is down or when I have security concerns while on a public hotspot
  • The LTE model has some extra hardware (the radios, GPS), so I can do more thorough testing
  • Apparently only the LTE model supports WiFi calling...
LTE, definitely.

- Cellular availability, without depending on your cell phone.
- Ability to use it as a secondary phone ( soft phone service )
- Use the iPad as a HotSpot. With the large battery, it'll hold up much better than a mobile phone hosting a hotspot.
- Security : Connecting to public / free wifi services is a big no for me, unless you can use a VPN service ( not all free wifi hotspots allow this ). So, for that alone, the LTE version wins in my use case.
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Please don't pay extra money for both the iPad and the data plan when you will have wifi basically everywhere, unless you would be on the road and be reliant on internet to do your job, it's pointless

I get data paid for me...I just have to spend $130 and then the company pays the data. Ultra convienent for that small price.
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I think the whole point of LTE is the independence you have from your phone and wifi ... I use my LTE on my iPad likely more than my phone ... my phone can stay in my office charging and I could still get calls, txt messages etc on my iPad ... whether im on my wifi or not ... tried a wifi iPad once, lasted a week
If you'd like to frequently use your iPad outdoor, LTE model is the one to go. I think the choice between wifi and LTE come down to personal need. For me, I run with wifi model. I use my iPad at home and at school, both areas are covered with high speed wifi. Often I work at an underground manufacturing lab without any cellular coverage. For my case, LTE model is waste of money.
If you are not too constrained in budget, get the LTE version, especially if you're going to take your iPad with you on-the-go often. Seriously, the seamless connectivity without having to deal with tethering/hot-spot/wifi-hunting means you can do and finish stuff sooner. Furthermore, sometimes an LTE connection can be more reliable and faster than many of the overcrowded wifi hotspots. It truly makes the iPad to be a standalone device.

Having said that, if you are going to use it like a laptop, then the wifi version can be adequate since your expectation of the device won't be different (hardly any laptops out there have built-in cellular).
Often I work at an underground manufacturing lab without any cellular coverage. For my case, LTE model is waste of money.

Say hi to Batman for me!

Tempted by LTE to not have to tether, but have such a good grandfathered data plan and cheap price, that I don't burn through even half my data most months on my phone. A couple clicks on both devices and an Ipad would be tethered, and outside of the phone battery issue, it doesn't make sense to pay another amount for a seperate data plan. And I don't see situations where I would only have an Ipad out and about, and not my phone somewhere on me or nearby.

That said, really wish I could swap my phone sim into the Ipad and get data to work on occasion, and then maybe my tune would change, though I always thought an Ipad Mini would be an ideal LTE enabled device.

That said, may go ahead and get it, and not use the LTE, and maybe things change down the road. Been holding out for 6 months or longer for this overall, so plan on keeping it at least a couple/3 years because it is so powerful and "future proofed". Who knows, come iOs 14 where everything will be at.
So I ordered the 10.5 256 SG Wifi, but now I'm debating getting the Wifi & LTE. I assume I can just do a simple exchange in the Apple Store and just pay the difference?
So I ordered the 10.5 256 SG Wifi, but now I'm debating getting the Wifi & LTE. I assume I can just do a simple exchange in the Apple Store and just pay the difference?
As long as you're within the 14-day return period.
Heading to the Apple store on Friday for the purchase; can I get up to 100 votes first?
Went in and exchanged my 10.5 256 Wifi SG for the 10.5 512 SG Wifi/LTE.
Go big or go home, I guess.
Needless to say, I am enjoying my first trip down iPad lane.
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