Well.. not really.
That test is not even close to the real life performance you experience when actually flying X-Plane with lots of scenery.
As Laminar Research have stated: no system can run X-Plane 10 (or 9 for that matter) with all settings maxed out.
So, even the biggest and baddest PC gaming rig with Radeon 6990 can't handle it.
When you are right, you are right.
I put so much custom scenery into Boston that X-Plane 9 almost comes to a stand still when I fly into Boston.
X-Plane 10 has totally new global scenery, a new rendering engine, and it more fully utilizes multi-core cpus, but you know that.
The new Mac Pro should work exceptionally well with X-Plane.
An iMac is a toy. It will not run X-Plane with the extreme renderings that I use.
An iMac may run my professional applications but it would take all night to get my video and 3D renderings done.
But it's all just conversation because in a couple months I'll be the proud owner of a new 2012 Mac Pro with an HD 7870 or better yet an HD 7970.
Life is good!