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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jun 18, 2012
the newest update has been really bad for me..very very slow and is lagging in everything. wifi seems worse for me then ever before and when using iworks it takes a really long time to open. is any one else experiencing this?
I updated the iMac and MBP and so far they seem fine. There was an initial lag for the first minute or so while the system re-indexed itself.
I had issues immediately after the update and reboot. Programs were hanging left and right, and the system wouldn't respond to commands to shut down or restart. After a forced restart everything seems to be working fine.
I had issues immediately after the update and reboot. Programs were hanging left and right, and the system wouldn't respond to commands to shut down or restart. After a forced restart everything seems to be working fine.

rebooting helped here as well... (slow webpage loading....)
There was an initial lag for the first minute or so while the system re-indexed itself.
After a system update, Spotlight will do a reindex. Caches will be empty and gradually get repopulated.

Give it time! Pulling the plug on Spotlight is why people come back with problems about Spotlight.

Also, test a new user account. The vast majority of "OS update made things worse!" threads turn out to be something else. (Except for that Snow Leopard update that killed fonts, but we don't talk about that, cause 10.6 is perfect.)
No issues... benwiggy is spot on in his assessment. Actually, it's pretty snappy for me. It could be a placebo effect, but it feels a little more responsive here.
If you're having trouble with the regular update, try downloading the combo update. Installing the combo update over the regular update can sometimes fix issues.
I updated my late '08 alum MacBook today to 10.8.5 and have experienced no problems. Just thought I'd share seeing as a lot of people are seeming to have problems with it...

I did notice my MacBook running slower at first, but that's due to it reindexing itself from the update.
MY 13 in RMBP is all around better, scrolling better no problems. My wifes 2011 MacAir is a little slowish since the update last night all check later today if its gotten better.
iSight Camera will not start after update to 10.8.5 :mad:

That's really weird. I tried mine and it worked. Have you tried restarting the computer again?
What worked for my on my Logitech External Webcam was to run the Logitech web cam software, quit that application and then reopen PhotoBooth and it worked again.

For the internal iSight camera try running just QuickTime to see if you can get it to see the iSight camera.
The only "issue" I have noticed with 10.8.5 (on my iMac 27" Late 2012) is that it takes a bit longer to wake from sleep. I have even unchecked "put hard disks to sleep..." Not sure if it's the iMac waking slow, or the iMac is slower to reconnect to my BT Keyboard (Logitech K811).
The only issue I've had, on my unsupported system, was that the volume control icon disappeared from the menu bar, but re-enabling it from System Preferences sorted that out. My supported MBP updated with no issues at all.
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