i got today my new mac mini 2012 with os x mountain lion 10.8.3.
shold i update to 10.8.5? or wait to know if there is any issue with this update?
If I were you, I'd wait. 10.8.3 was better.
I can't believe I'm having same issue with 10.8.5 as 10.8.4, it can't manage memory well at all, spins up the fan too much, too easily, runs hot.
Going to terminal and typing "purge", enter sometimes helps, but, what is the big friggin deal with, just safari sometimes? I think, actually it is safari.
I have to do what I did with 10.8.4 and get the combo update, and maybe it'll improve, but, even then, I still have had to "purge" every so often.
What is wrong with Apple that they can't get memory management working properly with Mtn Lion? OR whatever it is that is making my fan spin up, and things run slow (When I use Activity Monitor, sometimes all my memory is in use, yet, just browsing internet, no video, nothing else open?

?) ...is there a problem with Java or Flash or something? I always keep those up to date.