So what the OP is saying is that the 6000 series is simply plug and play? As if I bought it directly from apple like a 5770? As for NVidia, are you saying I should start saving up for a GTX 580???!!!
Thank you, I was beginning to wonder if anyone remembered why I started this thread. The 6870 has had basic functionality since the 10.6.6 MBP update. This functionality moved into the general OS in 10.6.8.
You will not see the EFI "Boot Screens" but desktop will appear. There have been many MANY reports on here and at Netkas regarding this. There are some limitations, but doing a search is best way to find experiences of a broad group of users.
If you have a Mac Pro 3,1 or later, you can flash card and gain boot screen and fix some of the other issues. For these machines, the cards are nearly flawless in that the lower DVI port will display a boot screen and the 2 MDP ports as well as the HDMI port can be used simultaneously for a total of 4 displays. If you buy one that only has 1 @ DP, you can only run 3 displays.
So far in 10.7, the only way to get a 6950 or 6970 to work was to use some patched drivers that the Great Mac God Netkas wrote. The amazing discovery in 10.8 was that the "it just works" behavior of 6870 has now moved to 69xx cards. And when they are flashed with an EFI written by Netkas, they have boot screen, etc. The only remaining big problem is that iTunes crashes out the system. Netkas knows how to fix, he may or may not fix the 10.8 DP drivers for this. Can't speak for him.
The GTX5xx cards have been able to be gotten working by usig ATY_Init in 10.7+. Unfortunately, you also need to add the device id to one kext and remove another kext to gain full power. The great thing in 10.8 is that neither kext fix is needed now. The cards just work, albeit with ATY_Init still needed. It is possible that the guy who wrote the EFI that boots GTX470 and GTX480 cards may someday get a GTX570/580 written, if he ever gets a chance.
My intention with this thread was to post info on NEW discoveries in 10.8. It was not to give a primer on Mac EFI and GPUs, nor was it to recount a history of which cards did what in what OSs.
This thread was started to discuss 10.8 and the new GPU options that are available in it. If there are people with questions about older OSs and older GPUs, they should read the pertinent threads on those. We move ahead when we build on past knowledge. To do so, we have to avail ourselves of it and not expect someone to regurgitate it to us at our leisure.