Where did the "Pro" Go?
Name calling is always a true sign of class.
It's funny that every day a new thread pops up where people lament the fact that the Mac Pro has lost it's "Pro" status due to the iToy Phenomenon.
These boards used to be a place to come and find out about latest Mac Hardware and how to get it running.
When I first needed 8800GT flashing info I came here. Nicely detailed threads where a group of like minded people worked out the mysteries around the EFI32 vs EFI64 versions.
This was the place for serious discourse and discovery.
I came here with info about a new discovery in 10.8 about a GPU that many people were curious about. I expected to get responses from people who had these cards or were ready to experiment with them. I was hoping that I could find some serious people ready to make some discoveries and move the general state of knowledge forward.
I did not expect that it was my personal responsibility to explain all aspects of every detail about all recent card flashing, etc. I honestly do not see that as my responsibility nor will I engage in it. It is very easy to tell questions asked by people who have interest and have done some research versus questions asked by tourists who saw something shiny in the window and decided to ask questions because they had their curiosity piqued as they surfed by.
So while members here bemoan the iToy dumbing down of the OS and their machines, you are now demanding that Pro level experimentation get dumbed down to entry level or you don't want to hear about it.
If I can't explain things so that every possible reader can understand, I am being a "DB". If I don't answer every question, no matter how infantile or foolish, I am being a "DB".
I made a discovery on Feb 16th and posted it on 2 sites. This discovery got posted as news at 3 or 4 sites before it finally got reposted in this very forum as "News" on the 21st. Oddly, nobody grilled the reposter or demanded that he explain in detail.
You want the latest info on Mac GPUs? It can't always be posted with pretty color photos, arrows, and a detailed step-by-step "How To". Sometimes it just gets posted and people who "get it" can do something with it. Sometimes you might even have to think for yourselves and use the search bar and google if you want the information to mean something to you. People who are interested and have motivation will do this and ask questions that show they cared enough to do some of their own research. And those people I will gladly help.
While people daily bemoan how OSX and Macs are getting brought down to a Lowest Common Denominator level for the 14 year old "facebooking from the mall" crowd, here I am getting dragged over the coals because I won't courteously answer any and every question regarding Mac GPUs. You can't have it both ways.
I feel that I am expected to only post GPU info that can be easily broken down into 4 word tweets, understandable by anybody. You can't have it both ways.
I will be happy to restrict my future posts to Netkas and InsanelyMac. You will end up with the same info here, just 5 days later from a reposter who CAN'T answer any questions. I quit posting here before and I'll be happy to do it again.
If this is no longer a place for cutting edge info, I'll be glad to take it elsewhere. If you look back, you'll see that I am not the only "pro" to quit posting here. When any serious discourse gets yelled down by the masses who demand that it gets explained to them until they understand, then nothing gets done here except rehashing reposts from the more serious boards. If that is what you guys want, great.
But for the life of me I can not understand why people can't be expected to avail themselves of things like "google" and the search function. When JimBob Johnson comes here and says he put a 6870 in his 2,1 and it ran his 24" Apple Display with no trouble in 10.6.8, he meant it. He didn't hallucinate, he isn't likely a mole from AMD trying to move an extra 10 boards, and he probably isn't a vicious scoundrel playing tricks upon the Macrumours community. In other words, whenever a member here says they tried something and it worked...IT WORKED FOR THEM AND IT WILL PROABLY WORK FOR YOU TOO.
The reverse of that is that when someone comes on here and says their unlashed 5870 stopped running their DisplayPort monitor when they ran the 10.6.8 update, they didn't suddenly go blind or crazy. So if you have an unlashed 6870, running the 10.6.8 will probably make your DisplayPort Display go black too. You have a tremendous resource here, USE IT !!!
Every time someone asks a question that could easily be answered with some simple research the value of all the past experience here is being tossed in the trash. They are in effect saying, "I don't believe anything anyone has posted in the past, I want an answer custom crafted just for me." This totally devalues the wealth of experience that hundreds of members have had.
All GPU info can't be reduced to something easily readable on an iPhone screen. Aim higher. Do you want cutting edge info posted here by people making discoveries or do you want to rehash some reposts from the "pro" sites?
It is this very "make it accessible to the masses" mentality that is making our OS and machines increasingly geared to the twitter crowd. "Wowie, I can post a picture of me driving Paris Hilton's Bentley !!! Yippity !!! " You can demand more. You can expect people to ask intelligent, researched questions rather than just responding with their emotional response to a cute puppy picture.
So, while I would rather post info about the latest discoveries on Mac GPUs in latest Mac OS versions I could always just post pictures of me hanging out at The Playboy Mansion that I took with my iPhone.
Frankly my dear, I don't give a darn. If you guys prefer a simpler, friendlier board geared down so that nobody gets left out, great. I'll be happy to post elsewhere. If I post here, it will be latest info for the latest cards in latest OS. If not, fine. I'm not going to post dumbed down versions for the iToys "short attention span" crowd.
4) "Jeez, this guy is kind of a DB."
5) "Wow, look at said DB blow up
Name calling is always a true sign of class.
It's funny that every day a new thread pops up where people lament the fact that the Mac Pro has lost it's "Pro" status due to the iToy Phenomenon.
These boards used to be a place to come and find out about latest Mac Hardware and how to get it running.
When I first needed 8800GT flashing info I came here. Nicely detailed threads where a group of like minded people worked out the mysteries around the EFI32 vs EFI64 versions.
This was the place for serious discourse and discovery.
I came here with info about a new discovery in 10.8 about a GPU that many people were curious about. I expected to get responses from people who had these cards or were ready to experiment with them. I was hoping that I could find some serious people ready to make some discoveries and move the general state of knowledge forward.
I did not expect that it was my personal responsibility to explain all aspects of every detail about all recent card flashing, etc. I honestly do not see that as my responsibility nor will I engage in it. It is very easy to tell questions asked by people who have interest and have done some research versus questions asked by tourists who saw something shiny in the window and decided to ask questions because they had their curiosity piqued as they surfed by.
So while members here bemoan the iToy dumbing down of the OS and their machines, you are now demanding that Pro level experimentation get dumbed down to entry level or you don't want to hear about it.
If I can't explain things so that every possible reader can understand, I am being a "DB". If I don't answer every question, no matter how infantile or foolish, I am being a "DB".
I made a discovery on Feb 16th and posted it on 2 sites. This discovery got posted as news at 3 or 4 sites before it finally got reposted in this very forum as "News" on the 21st. Oddly, nobody grilled the reposter or demanded that he explain in detail.
You want the latest info on Mac GPUs? It can't always be posted with pretty color photos, arrows, and a detailed step-by-step "How To". Sometimes it just gets posted and people who "get it" can do something with it. Sometimes you might even have to think for yourselves and use the search bar and google if you want the information to mean something to you. People who are interested and have motivation will do this and ask questions that show they cared enough to do some of their own research. And those people I will gladly help.
While people daily bemoan how OSX and Macs are getting brought down to a Lowest Common Denominator level for the 14 year old "facebooking from the mall" crowd, here I am getting dragged over the coals because I won't courteously answer any and every question regarding Mac GPUs. You can't have it both ways.
I feel that I am expected to only post GPU info that can be easily broken down into 4 word tweets, understandable by anybody. You can't have it both ways.
I will be happy to restrict my future posts to Netkas and InsanelyMac. You will end up with the same info here, just 5 days later from a reposter who CAN'T answer any questions. I quit posting here before and I'll be happy to do it again.
If this is no longer a place for cutting edge info, I'll be glad to take it elsewhere. If you look back, you'll see that I am not the only "pro" to quit posting here. When any serious discourse gets yelled down by the masses who demand that it gets explained to them until they understand, then nothing gets done here except rehashing reposts from the more serious boards. If that is what you guys want, great.
But for the life of me I can not understand why people can't be expected to avail themselves of things like "google" and the search function. When JimBob Johnson comes here and says he put a 6870 in his 2,1 and it ran his 24" Apple Display with no trouble in 10.6.8, he meant it. He didn't hallucinate, he isn't likely a mole from AMD trying to move an extra 10 boards, and he probably isn't a vicious scoundrel playing tricks upon the Macrumours community. In other words, whenever a member here says they tried something and it worked...IT WORKED FOR THEM AND IT WILL PROABLY WORK FOR YOU TOO.
The reverse of that is that when someone comes on here and says their unlashed 5870 stopped running their DisplayPort monitor when they ran the 10.6.8 update, they didn't suddenly go blind or crazy. So if you have an unlashed 6870, running the 10.6.8 will probably make your DisplayPort Display go black too. You have a tremendous resource here, USE IT !!!
Every time someone asks a question that could easily be answered with some simple research the value of all the past experience here is being tossed in the trash. They are in effect saying, "I don't believe anything anyone has posted in the past, I want an answer custom crafted just for me." This totally devalues the wealth of experience that hundreds of members have had.
All GPU info can't be reduced to something easily readable on an iPhone screen. Aim higher. Do you want cutting edge info posted here by people making discoveries or do you want to rehash some reposts from the "pro" sites?
It is this very "make it accessible to the masses" mentality that is making our OS and machines increasingly geared to the twitter crowd. "Wowie, I can post a picture of me driving Paris Hilton's Bentley !!! Yippity !!! " You can demand more. You can expect people to ask intelligent, researched questions rather than just responding with their emotional response to a cute puppy picture.
So, while I would rather post info about the latest discoveries on Mac GPUs in latest Mac OS versions I could always just post pictures of me hanging out at The Playboy Mansion that I took with my iPhone.
Frankly my dear, I don't give a darn. If you guys prefer a simpler, friendlier board geared down so that nobody gets left out, great. I'll be happy to post elsewhere. If I post here, it will be latest info for the latest cards in latest OS. If not, fine. I'm not going to post dumbed down versions for the iToys "short attention span" crowd.
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