I hope Apple does release AT3 with updated CPU/GPU etc... I am thinking about buying one but no rush. I'll wait a few months and see what gives.
As for those worrying about 1080p... nothing that your going to live stream is going to be Bluray quality until the pipes to your home and and those from the source are full fiber pushing well above anything in the US. Very few cable internet providers even offer 50 or even 100mbit.. which is 5 to 10MB, which is "optimal" at 2 am when your not sharing bandwidth. Kill overhead and sharing, your probably lucky to see half your advertised speed when trying to stream something for 2 hours+. Anything 720p or otherwise is so heavily compressed to deliver to the ATV, worrying about HD in general is rather pointless. It's DVD, or a tad above that in quality at best.
If I had to guess, less than 5% of the US population with access to "high speed" internet has anything remotely close to actually streaming true HD 720 or 1080 to a TV. It literally is "a pipe dream".
As for those worrying about 1080p... nothing that your going to live stream is going to be Bluray quality until the pipes to your home and and those from the source are full fiber pushing well above anything in the US. Very few cable internet providers even offer 50 or even 100mbit.. which is 5 to 10MB, which is "optimal" at 2 am when your not sharing bandwidth. Kill overhead and sharing, your probably lucky to see half your advertised speed when trying to stream something for 2 hours+. Anything 720p or otherwise is so heavily compressed to deliver to the ATV, worrying about HD in general is rather pointless. It's DVD, or a tad above that in quality at best.
If I had to guess, less than 5% of the US population with access to "high speed" internet has anything remotely close to actually streaming true HD 720 or 1080 to a TV. It literally is "a pipe dream".