I'm curious, as of today, how does the "law of diminishing returns" play into this? given the current demands of our apps, photos, videos, etc. what amount of RAM is perfectly usable and where does it begin to start increasing power draw on the battery to the point where we get back to sub-day battery life (negative gains on battery for positive gains in RAM)? I imagine 10 GB right now is at that point where it's likely consuming more power than it's needed to make the phone work or operate better, but maybe it's power draw is similar to 6 or 8, not sure. I don't know the magic number and future device uses like AR, VR, etc. will benefit from more RAM... but for 2018 and these phones lasting into 2019 and 2020, is 6 enough? is 8 enough? I tend to be in the "moar is better" camp on some things but with RAM and other phone specs, it may not always be the case.... just food for thought. I don't have the "correct" answer