Looking for a PCI-Express 10GbE NIC to suit a thunderbolt enclosure for a Retina MacBook Pro. I've currently got a few Intel X520 NICs which I picked up for ~200 on the eBay that work an absolute treat under Windows but no love under OSX due to drivers.
Of course, Small Tree will charge me, what, five times that price for the same card with their drivers? Errr, nope.
Are there any 10GbE NICs (third party, whatever) with drivers that have been written for OSX?
Looking for a PCI-Express 10GbE NIC to suit a thunderbolt enclosure for a Retina MacBook Pro. I've currently got a few Intel X520 NICs which I picked up for ~200 on the eBay that work an absolute treat under Windows but no love under OSX due to drivers.
Of course, Small Tree will charge me, what, five times that price for the same card with their drivers? Errr, nope.
Are there any 10GbE NICs (third party, whatever) with drivers that have been written for OSX?