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macrumors newbie
May 19, 2024
My experience is that a 120hz iPhone turned down to 60hz looks much worse than an iPhone with a 60hz display.
I thought that must be the case! I’ve never had an iPhone feel as choppy as my 15 turned down to 60.


macrumors 6502
Jul 29, 2023
Boca Raton, Florida
I have the 15 Pro and compared it to the base model 15 and I don't see a difference other than 3 cameras with extra zoom. I always get the base model each year but for the first time Sept 2022 I bought the iPhone 14 Pro to check the difference and sold it before the 15 released and got the 15 Pro in October 2023 and I don't see a big difference. I don't see what's worth the $200 extra, so I'll most likely get the 16 base model this year if it's $799.


macrumors 6502a
Oct 12, 2011
Your brain/eyes get used to either one; the problem is if you're constantly comparing the two. Personally, I notice it and like it. But once I've been away from it for more than a few days, I no longer care and 60hz feels normal to me again.
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macrumors regular
Feb 22, 2024
yes, its very noticeable for me to but not when I use an iPhone 12 at work.
My experience is that a 120hz iPhone turned down to 60hz looks much worse than an iPhone with a 60hz display.
It's cuz when limited on 120Hz displays the scrolling varies between 10-60Hz unlike iPhone 12 which is a constant 60Hz which feels smoother.

Al Rukh

macrumors 65816
Nov 15, 2017
I notice the difference only when scrolling down webpages or long menu options like in the Settings app. It’s noticeable for me but I’m also aware of some people not noticing it.


macrumors 68020
Nov 20, 2009
For me it's night and day difference when scrolling. So I buy 120hz devices.

For my wife, she can't tell the difference. So she's fine buying 60hz devices.

Nothing right or wrong. We all notice different things.
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macrumors 65816
Sep 17, 2022
Yeah I just put my 15 Pro in low power mode and the UI instantly lags as if the phone was overheating or about to crash. It's terrible. Disable it and the UI goes back to butter smooth instantly. I do have an older 60Hz iPhone and it's not as bad there presumably due to being locked into 60fps but it's still visible and I wouldn't buy a device like that brand new in 2024 anymore.

It's really very simple, 120Hz displays have been around since the iPad Pro from 2017, if a device doesn't have that tech from 2017 in 2024 then even if I don't notice it what other parts of the hardware have been quietly downgraded if they can't even slot in a 120Hz panel?

The iPhones are very obviously held back missing an entire camera, so for those I don't even need to look at the display to know why those are not a good deal. I always just buy an older iPhone Pro and they virtually always come with better hardware. Anyone interested in an iPhone 16 right now will know it's still going to be worse than a 15 Pro or 14 Pro. Then the 120Hz display is part of the package anyways.


macrumors regular
Mar 26, 2023
Switching between my personal 14PM and work 15 Plus, don’t really even think about the difference. Have an iPad Pro 2020 too, and a MBP 14” M1, same there. Sure I can see the difference if I focus on it, but in general, no. Guess we just see different by multitude of reasons.
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macrumors 6502a
Jul 21, 2012
I notice the 120hz and it is the sole reason I buy the Pro over the base models. I’ve had it on my iPad since the 2018 iPad Pro so I’m used to it and got an iPhone with ProMotion as soon as it was available. Then upgraded to the Max size.
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macrumors 6502a
Sep 21, 2013
I have a 15 Plus and my wife has a 15 Pro, I don't notice a difference when I use her phone.


macrumors member
Aug 26, 2010
It's especially noticeable on the homescreen when flipping through the pages of apps.
After your eyes get used to a 120Hz screen, the difference will be evident if you pick up a model with 60Hz display, it feels so laggy / jarring, it's hard to go back.


macrumors regular
Jan 2, 2011
I recently wanted to switch from 15 Pro Max to a smaller iPhone.

Tried 13 mini for two days but couldn't bear the lack of ProMotion esp. when scrolling webpages.

Returned it and got myself a 15 Pro.
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