I'm not talking about real world usage, I know I'll never reach the advertised battery lifetime but I'd expect at least the battery icon on the system bar to show a 6-7 hour battery life. Well if you say it's normal I'll deal with it, love the machine it's dead silent and screaming fast at the same time.
I'm doing a bit more in-depth testing on my machine again to be certain of my battery life. It appears to be doing slightly better with the first fiew charges... but maybe time just felt like it was going by quickly at first.
Anyways, I'm keeping track of how much % is lost per 10 minutes at various intervals of time. When I have the time I'm going to test per 60 minutes all the way through battery life at low screen settings with Wi-Fi on, attempting to mimic Apple's claimed time: Apple claims 5 minutes (approx) by browsing with everything on low (only browsing) 25 sites. So I would say refresh the browser 100 times (4 times per site, with 25 sites total). And that will let you know if you have the correct battery life. Flash off of course.
To do a short version of this, test it for 30 minutes and count the % at the start, and the % at the end. Do this twice (so 60 minutes total). Do it once from 95%, and once from 45%. If you have time, do 90 minutes: once at 95%, once at 65%, and once at 35%, to get a general idea without spending a ton of time. Just spend 30 minutes on each of those intervals, and browse the internet slowly with your screen on very low.
Then you just take the average of the 3 (assuming they're similar amounts of lost % within the 30 minute time-frame), and you have how much % battery life is used per 30 minutes. Then just figure out (basic math) how long your battery should last.
Currently browsing at 85% brightness I'm getting 4% lost per 10 minutes on my 11-inch. So that amounts to 4.16 hours total, assuming this remains true all the way through. However, my battery might seem to go quicker when I hit say... 50%. I might start to record losing 6% per 10 minutes... who knows. So it's a good idea to test it at different intervals of the battery. So later on I'll do this same test at 40%, 30%, and so on, and see if it remains true.