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thestaton said:
what's the point of a 13" MBP? I figure if you need a pro based computer you would want pro based screen real estate. why not just get the 15.4" and be happy now?

Some of us want the pro features + portability! What if we travel and stuff? I don't want to lug around a 15" or 17".
extraextra said:
Some of us want the pro features + portability! What if we travel and stuff? I don't want to lug around a 15" or 17".

After having a 12" Powerbook, I don't even want a 13.3" laptop. Ultimate portability is needed.
wtf is wrong with everyone, the current macbook is essentially a MBP. The high end Macbook is exactly the same as the MBP except different GPU and no expresscard. The Macbook IS your ultraportable pro machine, so everyone just stop complaining and whining!!
hrm... I hit about 35 countries a year and am gone on avg of 14 days each month and while at the moment I only have a 14" iBook I can't wait to get the 15.4" MBP. The iBook just slides right into my backpack, and its not that heavy until I add my dvd's, external speakers, etc etc. but if it where just iBook this thing is light as heck on the ole back :)
extraextra said:
Some of us want the pro features + portability! What if we travel and stuff? I don't want to lug around a 15" or 17".

wahhhh, waaaahhhhh.......

seriously, is 2 inches THAT big of a deal?

i swear, since the intel switch, it seems like we have alot more b*tching about everything.... probably those windoze guys coming over and bringing their sh*tty attitudes with them.

i travel alot. i have a PB 17", along with 2 different dSLR bodies, about 5 lenses and all the cables for everything... i seem to have no problems with portability.

I think a more likely question is: When will Apple release a 10.6" (or insert other small size) optical drive-less ultra portable? Now that would actually fill a gap in their near-perfecr lineup. (I also doubt there will be a 13.3" MBP simply because there's such a small gap between the two lines.)

I would like to see an ultra portable with a core solo, 10.6" (or whatever) screen, no optical, flash drive etc. that'd be cool.
viccles said:
I'm not buying a MBP until Leopard is released

I might do the same. By then Santa Rosa should available (or pretty darn close to being available) and we'll get to see Merom stretch its legs a bit more with a higher front side bus. My credit card was locked and loaded on Monday for a Merom MBP, but...well...we know how that went.

In the meantime I may go with a Macbook or some other Yonah notebook running Ubuntu. I'm in no rush, but I would like a bit more horsepower than my iBook currently has. I also have a P4 3.0 GHz desktop running Ubuntu/Windows so I don't absolutely need a new machine. With updates imminent, there's no good reason for me to buy a MBP right now.

If the next MBP rev is compelling I might go with that, but I'm heavily leaning towards waiting for Santa Rosa and Leopard before buying a MBP.
AirFoil said:
I might do the same. By then Santa Rosa should available (or pretty darn close to being available) and we'll get to see Merom stretch its legs a bit more with a higher front side bus. My credit card was locked and loaded on Monday for a Merom MBP, but...well...we know how that went.

In the meantime I may go with a Macbook or some other Yonah notebook running Ubuntu. I'm in no rush, but I would like a bit more horsepower than my iBook currently has. I also have a P4 3.0 GHz desktop running Ubuntu/Windows so I don't absolutely need a new machine. With updates imminent, there's no good reason for me to buy a MBP right now.

If the next MBP rev is compelling I might go with that, but I'm heavily leaning towards waiting for Santa Rosa and Leopard before buying a MBP.

I would love a cheaper version of MBP and with Leopard then I will buy :D
Lebowski said:
wahhhh, waaaahhhhh.......

seriously, is 2 inches THAT big of a deal?

i swear, since the intel switch, it seems like we have alot more b*tching about everything.... probably those windoze guys coming over and bringing their sh*tty attitudes with them.

i travel alot. i have a PB 17", along with 2 different dSLR bodies, about 5 lenses and all the cables for everything... i seem to have no problems with portability.

Maybe because with the Intel switch they got rid of the 12" Powerbook that people like us needed/wanted.

Not everyone wants to lug around all that. I too have a DSLR and lenses and whatnot, and it's a hassel for me to carry all that + a bulky notebook + all the other things I need on a trip. I can be done, but it'd be a lot easier with a smaller notebook.

And crappy attitude? Maybe you should take a look at your attitude.

I'd make some sort of comment where 2" would really matter, but I'll leave it to the imaginations of others. The Macbook would actually be ok if it weren't for the glossy screen.
I'm just waiting for 13 in. MB with an aluminum case. It sounds stupid, but I just don't want a plastic case. Oh, and I don't want a glossy screen as well. Everything else about the MB is fine, I don't even care about integrated graphics. If it doesn't come out, I may just buy the 15 in. MBP, and I know that's what Jobs is really after.
Last time I checked, a Macbook was a Macbook Pro just without the graphics card.
So many people are saying that they want a Macbook thats painted Silver and add a graphics card thats used alot for ... um ... games :eek: and that justifies it being called a Professional Macbook :confused:

Whats the point?
jne381 said:
I'm just waiting for 13 in. MB with an aluminum case. It sounds stupid, but I just don't want a plastic case. Oh, and I don't want a glossy screen as well. Everything else about the MB is fine, I don't even care about integrated graphics. If it doesn't come out, I may just buy the 15 in. MBP, and I know that's what Jobs is really after.

This is exactly my case. Aluminum case + no glossy screen (and maybe a blacklit keyboard to sweeten the deal?) and I'd have been sold.

I'm buying a 12" Powerbook instead.
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