thestaton said:what's the point of a 13" MBP? I figure if you need a pro based computer you would want pro based screen real estate. why not just get the 15.4" and be happy now?
extraextra said:Some of us want the pro features + portability! What if we travel and stuff? I don't want to lug around a 15" or 17".
extraextra said:Some of us want the pro features + portability! What if we travel and stuff? I don't want to lug around a 15" or 17".
viccles said:I'm not buying a MBP until Leopard is released
AirFoil said:I might do the same. By then Santa Rosa should available (or pretty darn close to being available) and we'll get to see Merom stretch its legs a bit more with a higher front side bus. My credit card was locked and loaded on Monday for a Merom MBP, but...well...we know how that went.
In the meantime I may go with a Macbook or some other Yonah notebook running Ubuntu. I'm in no rush, but I would like a bit more horsepower than my iBook currently has. I also have a P4 3.0 GHz desktop running Ubuntu/Windows so I don't absolutely need a new machine. With updates imminent, there's no good reason for me to buy a MBP right now.
If the next MBP rev is compelling I might go with that, but I'm heavily leaning towards waiting for Santa Rosa and Leopard before buying a MBP.
Lebowski said:wahhhh, waaaahhhhh.......
seriously, is 2 inches THAT big of a deal?
i swear, since the intel switch, it seems like we have alot more b*tching about everything.... probably those windoze guys coming over and bringing their sh*tty attitudes with them.
i travel alot. i have a PB 17", along with 2 different dSLR bodies, about 5 lenses and all the cables for everything... i seem to have no problems with portability.
jne381 said:I'm just waiting for 13 in. MB with an aluminum case. It sounds stupid, but I just don't want a plastic case. Oh, and I don't want a glossy screen as well. Everything else about the MB is fine, I don't even care about integrated graphics. If it doesn't come out, I may just buy the 15 in. MBP, and I know that's what Jobs is really after.