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macrumors newbie
Jan 6, 2024
The only way for this to happen is if you have the option to enable macro manually, whenever you want to, especially on A4 documents. Since this option is not available at this time, the only way to do it for me is by using an app that takes macro photos manually. But I can’t find such an app at this time.


macrumors 6502
Jul 6, 2019

I have the same issue as the OP, iPhone 15 Pro. The scans on my XR and 13 Pro were always very good, but now on the 15 Pro because of the lack of lens control in the scanning app, the scanned image is poor. The outer areas of the image are blurred as the lens focuses on the middle so the scan isn't uniform. I found that numbers and text at the top and bottom of the scanned image are blurry in a way that is uncomfortable to look at.

I used the stock Notes app and the OneLens third party app. In both apps the scans come out the same. I found a way to have the scans come out perfectly, but it involves using two apps and I think it's a quick way because it doesn't involve any copying and pasting.

What I do is take a photo of the document with the stock Camera app, macro disabled (I have manual control turned on), using 1.2x. When taking the photo, get some distance between the document and the camera so that the document has a very thick "frame" around it. When you take the photo, it doesn't immediately look good, but in a moment the processing is done and it will be very sharp. When you have a photo of the document that you are happy with, open it in the OneLens app (or I guess any other app for scanning documents). This will make the OneLens app automatically do what it usually does - cut out everything outside the document. The end result is a very clear image which you got by using the prefered lens in the Camera app and then just opening that photo with the OneLens app which saves you the time of pasting it somewhere for editing.

It's sad that you have to take extra steps for something that was automatic on older iPhones.


macrumors newbie
Mar 18, 2024
I photographed a document today with my 15 Pro Max and noticed that the center is razor sharp, but the sides of the document are a little blurry. It still looks good overall, and is very readable, but the whole document is not tack sharp like it was with my 11 Pro Max.

Has anyone else noticed this? I want to know if it's just my phone (and thus it needs an exchange) or if it's an attribute of the new lens. My suspicions thinking like a photographer is maybe the depth of field is narrower due to the larger sensor and aperture, and that when the center of of the page is in focus, the edges are not since they're further from the lens? Taking the photo at an angle seems to confirm this.

Still, I want to make sure it's not something with my phone. One thing I did notice is that if I use the ultra-wide camera, the document is sharper overall, but I have to hold the phone closer which casts a shadow on the page. Seems you can't win. :)

i have the same issue bro, just try using the 2x lens. maybe in the future update they can fix this issue. ive notice the center is clear and sharp while the corners are off or out of focus. see my sample in the attached file


  • IMG_7449.jpg
    409.1 KB · Views: 34


macrumors newbie
May 19, 2024
I was in the Apple Store to complain about the quality and was sent home with no solution because it is a hardware thing because of the bigger sensor they use in iPhone Pro 15 models.
The only solution that I found on the internet was to set 0.9x zoom level (switches to the wide angle lens) and taking images with the default photos app. Then add these images to the scanner app manually.
I already told the Apple Support that this is not the quality I expect form apple for a 1000€ iPhone. I also sent an email to ScannerPro support and they put it on the wish list to add 0.9x zoom level option or to use that as the default scanning zoom level.
I think for usual quick snaps the iPhone camera is really doing a great job but for scanning a document the 1x camera is crap so use the 0.9x zoom level.
To get a user centered solution for this problem I only see the option to send support requests to Apple and the scanner apps and describe this problem.


macrumors 65816
Sep 1, 2021

iPhone 13 Pro/Pro Max is the last iPhone that can produce usable photo scan of documents... iPhone 15 Pro/Pro Max uses the same sensors used by iPhone 14 Pro/Pro Max except the 5x which is exclusive to the iPhone 15 Pro Max...
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