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macrumors member
Nov 18, 2007
Nottingham, UK
I'm not arguing, but 2 of the 3 reasons come with the 40D. I suppose they have to get enough of these out into the wild to tempt us and then only months later can they release an update to the 5D.

Post pictures and thoughts when you get it!

Absolutely Grimace - I think the 40D is a superb camera as well, it's just that the third reason (21MP) doesn't come on the 40D so it's less of a perfect answer for me personally.
a) I like to blow up big and still maintain detail
b) I love the creative freedom offered by MP for cropping - this is a much underestimated benefit IMHO...


macrumors member
Nov 18, 2007
Nottingham, UK
Actually, won't that just give finer graduations over the same range? More steps on the ladder versus a longer ladder. Highlight tone priority might help with reach, but I think the extra bits will just help with graduation.

Yes - for the benefit of others here - what I am referring to is the benefits you'll get regarding the number of different tones that the camera is capable of recording for any given exposure. I'm talking about how the "Expose To The Right" benefits will be essentially shifted two stops to the left.

If I make an image with my 1Ds2 and expose to the right so that the highlights are pushed right up to the edge without blowing, then the stop's worth of data held to the right-most side of the histogram will contain roughly 0.5 x 2 to the power of 12 (as it's a 12bit A/D converter) = 2048 individual tonal values.

If I make the same image on the 1Ds3 then the same stop's worth of data is capable of holding 0.5 x 2 to the power of 14 (14bit) ie 8192 individual tonal values. And the place on the histogram which will equal the 1Ds2 in it's number of tonal values will be 2 stops to the left.

ie There may not be any difference in exposure latitude (don't know) but there will certainly be more steps on the ladder for any given exposure just as you say. :)


macrumors 68040
Original poster
Feb 17, 2003
with Hamburglar.
Now that there is no 5D mark II until at least October I am still riding the fence on waiting or purchasing a 1Ds Mark III. (Who knows, the 5D may be discontinued, as it may have been a full frame stop-gap until the FF 50D!)

The features of the 1 series that really appeal:

1. Actual weatherproofing (not usually needed, but on occasion.)
2. 2 Batteries built in, with smooth casing (vs. add-on grip)
3. 14-bit images
4. 3 inch screen (40D has #3-4, but I don't want a 1.6x crop for my main body)
5. Individual lens custom autofocus.
6. Big blowups (I like doing 20x30 prints and might do 24-36 if I could retain quality. I haven't tried with my 5D)

I fully understand that some of these things are purely luxury wishes and won't change image quality. But heck, I'm a guy who upgraded from a Rebel XT to a 30D (same sensor!) just because of the bigger screen and heftier grip!

#5 is the one that is making me consider a 1Ds so strongly. My 24-70 doesn't focus as sharp as it should but with a 1 series camera, I could make have the camera recognize that lens when mounted and compensate for any back or front focusing.

I have even thought about getting a 1D Mark III but then crop factor and lower MP (don't lecture me, I know the deal) both creep back into my mind. The high cost would be a stretch, but not unattainable. I look at it as a "lease" of sorts. If I buy at $8000 and sell in 2 years for $7000, I just need to get $1000 in gigs or consider it a $500/year rental.

Anyone who has a 5D, 1D, or 1Ds have any words of wisdom? I am happy to be swayed in any direction! :)


macrumors regular
Dec 20, 2007
Pismo Beach, CA
I can't tell you what you should do but this is my thinking.
First, let me say I loved my 1ds. I loved the weight, size, and tank-like quality...actually I still love it.
However, I recently "upgraded" to a pair of 5Ds. I was seriously considering a 1Ds mkIII or mkII but in the end I decided I'd rather have 2 5D's. I glue (not literally) my 35-70 on one camera and my 70-200 on ther more dust problems:)
I love toting this pair of cameras which are far more usefull to me than a single 1Ds (and I spent half the price). This is a great set-up for almost any job.
I print hundreds of 16x20's and many, many larger prints. The 5Ds certainly produce the quality that my customers and I expect. They also seem to stand up to my harsh use even without the extra sealing and tank body. With that said, I would love to have two 1Ds MkIII's if I could afford it.


macrumors 68020
May 30, 2007
Midwest USA
#5 is the one that is making me consider a 1Ds so strongly. My 24-70 doesn't focus as sharp as it should but with a 1 series camera, I could make have the camera recognize that lens when mounted and compensate for any back or front focusing.

The Nikon D3 has that feature. I have a lens with a little back focus to it too. The ability to micro-adjust and store that lens saved me from sending it back to be calibrated. Again.


macrumors 68030
Apr 14, 2001
Sendai, Japan
Anyone who has a 5D, 1D, or 1Ds have any words of wisdom? I am happy to be swayed in any direction! :)
AFAI see you have no compelling reason to upgrade, but because `you want a new camera'. I've blown up 10 MP pictures to 40x60 cm^2 easily (that's the largest size where they don't use their plotters -- whose prints are a lot more expensive!), 12 MP are just fine. I've even used 3, 4 and 5 MP pictures for two 40x60 cm^2 prints, and yes, you can see pixels when you're standing very closely to the picture, looking for them. But honestly, that's not something you do with prints of this size.

I don't see any compelling reason for you to upgrade. If the EOS 1Ds Mark III had ISO capabilities similar to those of the D3 (which it doesn't) and you'd shoot in lots of available light situations, then this would be a reason.


macrumors G3
Jan 26, 2008
Isla Nublar
I don't find the d3 noise reduction impressive at all. I really don't and I've shot with the d3 a lot for work. Ill take my 1ds mark 3 over a d3 any day.


macrumors 68030
Apr 14, 2001
Sendai, Japan
I don't find the d3 noise reduction impressive at all. I really don't and I've shot with the d3 a lot for work. Ill take my 1ds mark 3 over a d3 any day.
Is there any other camera on the planet that shoots at ISO 25,600 or ISO 12,800? Has there every been any film that was rated at either of these numbers (highest ISO film I've shot was 1,600, highest ISO film I've seen was ISO 3,200)? That's the appeal of the D3, not the noise figures per se. Any modern dslr gives you very good noise characteristics at normal ISOs (100-800).


macrumors 68020
Aug 25, 2006
Oregon coast
I don't find the d3 noise reduction impressive at all. I really don't and I've shot with the d3 a lot for work. Ill take my 1ds mark 3 over a d3 any day.

It would be nice if this didn't break down to another Canon vs. Nikon "my camera's better than your camera," "my truck's bigger than your truck," or "my Mac's better than your pc" thread... :cool:

Incidently, I'll take my girlfriend over that "other" one any day.. ;)

I will say I have learned a lot from this thread about the full-frame Canon SLRs, which has been great. Let's just keep it from becoming a brand-bashing negative campaign, please...:)


macrumors G3
Jan 26, 2008
Isla Nublar
I didnt mean to sound like a vs thread. I have just owned both canon and nikon for many years and have used both systems extensivly. I was just stating that the hype over the d3 to me is overrated. I always think its best before you go buy a camera to go to a store and hold it and play with it and use it. That in the end is the only way you will know what is right for you.


macrumors Penryn
Dec 27, 2002
Location Location Location
I don't find the d3 noise reduction impressive at all. I really don't and I've shot with the d3 a lot for work. Ill take my 1ds mark 3 over a d3 any day.

Really? From every review and photo comparison I have seen on the internet before and after the launch of the D3, the D3 has been described as producing the cleanest photos of any camera at high ISO. I certainly haven't seen better.

Digital Skunk

macrumors G3
Dec 23, 2006
In my imagination
Really? From every review and photo comparison I have seen on the internet before and after the launch of the D3, the D3 has been described as producing the cleanest photos of any camera at high ISO. I certainly haven't seen better.

The same here. The hype was just that.... hype but the IQ is the best I have seen all the way up to 6400 ISO. From there the shots get a little fuzzy but all in all the noise redux is the best I have seen.

The D300 was a bit of a let down in terms of HI1 and HI2 noise redux (very soft images) but that's alright given that the 3200 is clean and sharp even with crappy super zooms. But I can't justify grabbing one since I haven't been shooting with my D200 as much as I should.

But the D3's IQ is still as good as it gets, not to bash Canon which IMHO still has the upper hand with their L series lenses and what not. Nikon covers their spectrum, and caters to their users, as does Canon.

For Grimace... I would say stick to seeing what the next 5D body is all about, then make your choice. Then next 5D may save you $3000 or more if it's priced at $3300, and may be a worthy upgrade, that may even shoot at 5fps and have the sealing you want. I am sure Canon has seen what the D300 can do, and is eager to steal some of the lime light back from Nikon.

law guy

macrumors 6502a
Jan 17, 2003
Western Massachusetts
Now that there is no 5D mark II until at least October I am still riding the fence on waiting or purchasing a 1Ds Mark III. (Who knows, the 5D may be discontinued, as it may have been a full frame stop-gap until the FF 50D!)

The features of the 1 series that really appeal:

1. Actual weatherproofing (not usually needed, but on occasion.)
2. 2 Batteries built in, with smooth casing (vs. add-on grip)
3. 14-bit images
4. 3 inch screen (40D has #3-4, but I don't want a 1.6x crop for my main body)
5. Individual lens custom autofocus.
6. Big blowups (I like doing 20x30 prints and might do 24-36 if I could retain quality. I haven't tried with my 5D)

I fully understand that some of these things are purely luxury wishes and won't change image quality. But heck, I'm a guy who upgraded from a Rebel XT to a 30D (same sensor!) just because of the bigger screen and heftier grip!

#5 is the one that is making me consider a 1Ds so strongly. My 24-70 doesn't focus as sharp as it should but with a 1 series camera, I could make have the camera recognize that lens when mounted and compensate for any back or front focusing.

I have even thought about getting a 1D Mark III but then crop factor and lower MP (don't lecture me, I know the deal) both creep back into my mind. The high cost would be a stretch, but not unattainable. I look at it as a "lease" of sorts. If I buy at $8000 and sell in 2 years for $7000, I just need to get $1000 in gigs or consider it a $500/year rental.

Anyone who has a 5D, 1D, or 1Ds have any words of wisdom? I am happy to be swayed in any direction! :)

Grimace - what did you end up doing?

Have you looked at buying from Dell with one of those coupons folks sell on Ebay? I saw a stackable electronics coupon on there the other day for like 23.5% (says it works for cameras, but I've never tried it so I can't attest to it) - someone somewhere (can't recall the forum) said they used Dell coupons to get a 1D Mk III for $3400.

Let us know what you end up doing. A 1Ds is certainly an exciting prospect! I would be thrilled with a 1D Mk III and the ISO 6400 with no NR is reputed to be very good. Looking at DOP, it's not bad. (and D3 with NR on and off in a nod to the above notes)


macrumors 68040
Original poster
Feb 17, 2003
with Hamburglar.
It's on order, set to ship on April 4th. :D

I'll probably sell my 5D afterward and pick up a 40D as a backup body. There are times when I want the crop-reach or a smaller body. The 5D image quality is simply stunning but I am guessing that the 1Ds will also be up to the task!

edit: I also picked up a 135mm f/2L lens. It arrived today and image quality

law guy

macrumors 6502a
Jan 17, 2003
Western Massachusetts
It's on order, set to ship on April 4th. :D

I'll probably sell my 5D afterward and pick up a 40D as a backup body. There are times when I want the crop-reach or a smaller body. The 5D image quality is simply stunning but I am guessing that the 1Ds will also be up to the task!

edit: I also picked up a 135mm f/2L lens. It arrived today and image quality

That's big news. Congratulations! Great to hear about the 135 as well. I can't wait to see some shots. The detail resolution that has been posted around the web appears to be just fantastic.


macrumors 68040
Original poster
Feb 17, 2003
with Hamburglar.
I have three photog friends who also wanted to pick one up and so I bargained a bit for a better price on four cameras (3 + me).

If any of them chicken out I can return a camera no-questions-asked but I'll be sure to post here in case anyone wants one for cheap! I was able to negotiate $7400 a piece!


macrumors 68030
May 25, 2007
Birmingham, UK
I also picked up a 135mm f/2L lens. It arrived today and image quality

It's one of the 'next' lens for me. undecided between that the 24mm TSE or blow it big time on a 500mm.

Moving house may put a dampener on the whole lot though :).

Good price on the 1Ds. I'd love one as well as many other things. Enjoy!


macrumors 68020
Jan 14, 2008
I'd love it too. Don't think i'd be able to hide as easy from the wife though!

Just tell her you bought a Telescope for the kids?

Don't have kids? Tell her you are planning ahead! :D

Got kids and they are grown? Tell her they are for the grandkids :D

Don't have grandkids? Tell her you are planning ahead! :D

Can you tell I've " been there and done that ". :D

That would explain the welding gear , motorcycles , racing go-karts and the like! :D :D :D


macrumors 6502a
Nov 25, 2005
Denver, CO
I have three photog friends who also wanted to pick one up and so I bargained a bit for a better price on four cameras (3 + me).

If any of them chicken out I can return a camera no-questions-asked but I'll be sure to post here in case anyone wants one for cheap! I was able to negotiate $7400 a piece!

I will dig around the back of the couch for some spare change just in case :)
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