I used to use 1password. For more than a decade. Recommended it to friends, family, colleagues - boy do I feel stupid now.
Anyway, I have no relationship with any password management company other than as a paying customer. Over the last 12 months, from time to time, I have been looking at and trying, alternatives to 1 Password.
My key criteria:
- No need to keep my data on the developers honeypot server. (my data on a developers server at my risk - no thanks). I appreciate lots of people don't think this is a problem and that's OK - its your data to risk if you want.
- Can sync via icloud, dropbox, webdav, etc if I choose. Yes, I know its a cloud service but at least its just my own Dropbox - not a honeypot commercial target full of millions of users data.
- License purchase. Happy to buy new licences when warranted. No subscription payments - not happy to pay every month for fluff features that do nothing for me.
- I dont want to have host my own server just to run a password manager app.
I ended up with Safeincloud. It meets all my criteria, provides all the basic password management features. And it happens to be cross platform too macOS, iOS and Windows so that's a bit of a bonus.
For what its worth these are note I made for myself to keep track. I hope it might help some folk in deciding what to, or what not to, use.
APPLE - Apple is going to upgrade Keychain to be a proper password manager. Maybe later this year will be a good alternative. I sure hope the develops.
ENPASS - I ruled out Enpass (had purchased) after Enpass chose screwing over lifetime pro users by having created a (pay for it again) premium version plus implementing subscription payment. I cannot be trust them. (there are lots of other comments in this thread by others about Enpass too)
1PASSWORD - 1password version 8 is subscription only and 'passwords only on developer servers' (this has been coming for a while). Plus its now a demonstrably worse performing Electron app with a bigger attack surface
DASHLANE - Dashlane has deleted the desktop app (that ain't good) plus its subscription only and 'passwords only on developer servers'
LASTPASS has been hacked more than once (they say nothing was stolen) plus its subscription only and passwords only on developer servers
SAFEINCLOUD looks to be good. On the upside it does all the basic password management stuff I need with none of the fluff features. One off licence (no subscription), no need for my data to live on the developers server at my risk, sync via icloud, or dropbox, or etc etc.
MSECURE is going to be subscription at v6 "new business model" Subscription only. Version five will just fade away unsupported...same business model that 1Password applies to v7. Dont know if we loose icloud sync then too. Tickets submitted....Ticket response says " version 6 is an update and not a whole new app, so it will have all of the features mSecure 5 does plus new features. We are not removing any sync features from the current mSecure app" so wait and see.
BITWARDEN ... I tested and really didn't like like browser interface. Also cannot update or modify anything unless your connected to the internet. Uses developers server for sync. (Or your own hosted server - I dont want to have to run my own server just to accomodate a password manager - no iCloud, dropbox, one drive etc)
I looked at KEEPASS which seems very good but its Windows only.
I looked at KEEPASSXC which is windows and Mac OS and at STRONBOX for iOS. These too look good (useful YouTube videos too) and is probably best bet after safeincloud. BUT KeepassXC has no integration with Safari - so it cannot enter data unless copy and paste.
I ended up deciding that safeincloud apps for Mac, iOS and windows make for an easier and more holistic experience. If you have a need for teams and other stuff this might not be for you. There are lots of other password managers too but this is what I looked at.