Hi all,
I'm thinking about putting all my passwords in a password manager like 1Password.
I know a lot of people are using it. Somehow I'm not sure if I should take the step. Is it hackable? How safe is it really to use?
Can anyone share their experience?
I've been using it for a few years now.
Anything is hackable - eventually, however you can minimise the risk by using a password manager.
Now people will ask "what about the single password i use for my password manager?"
The reason this is not so much of a problem is due to the way your password manager works and how website passwords need to work.
A website has to serve many, many requests, some sites need to handle hundreds of thousands of hits per second. Password checking needs to be FAST.
Your password manager does not need to be fast. If it takes a second or two to unlock your password manager, it's not a big problem.
The implications of this: the encryption on your password manager password can be many, many times more complex and time consuming than a web site (essentially, 1password or other password managers will encrypt your password thousands of times to slow it down and make checking it more difficult). This means that trying to crack your password manager requires MUCH more effort in terms of time and CPU resources than a website password.
So... IF someone gets your password database, it takes a long time to crack.
So given all that, it makes a secure location to store individual passwords for every site you visit. Why do you want unique passwords for every site? Because any site on the internet can be hacked. If the site is hacked, the hacker gets a copy of the encrypted database. Now being a website, the encryption needs to be FAST (as above). This means that with a copy of the encrypted password database, a hacker can run millions/billions of guesses per second against all the encrypted passwords to see if he can get a correct match. If he does, he has your email address, name and password and can then try those details on other sites.
If you use the same details elsewhere, guess what? You're owned.
If you want something a little more cross-platform and FREE but a little less slick, check out KeePass.