That's fine. No one's doing any arm twisting in one's individual choice. But "salient" is a curious way to describe the Mini in comparison to the iMac, without detailing what those salient issues are. It's also not all that enlightening in discussing pros and cons to say something's prefered because that's what I want.
But isn't describing what we want is what all of us are doing here? I wanted a mini. I did not want an iMac. It does not matter to me that an iMac could be had for a small premium. The features listed by Gregintosh are not valuable in my personal cost function, which includes issues like the following:
1) I have a monitor. I like my monitor. Someday I'll purchase a 30" monitor and there isn't room for a 30" monitor and an iMac on my desk. I have no use for a immobile camera (and in fact iSight is a minus because I don't want it). I like my keyboard. I don't want another mouse.
2) I can upgrade the mini myself with a 7200-RPM, 500 GB hard drive and 4GB of RAM, so the ease of upgrading the iMac is of no benefit to me. This mini with a 500 GB HD, 4GB RAM, and 2.26 GHz meets my needs, so that the iMac is marginally better does nothing for me.
3) The mini has a small footprint. It fits nicely in a media center. It moves to my desk easily when I don't want it in a media center. I could make a dock to fit it in my car.
4) It's cute.