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just wanted to add, the screws holding the heatsinks to the logicboard can be removed with a T15 torx, OR a 3mm allen key.
Yeah, I've done a few of these.

You actually don't need the long shaft driver and a simple allen wrench will work fine.

If you have a long shafted torx driver then that's better but not needed. The danger is that when you're loosening the bolts - if they release with a jerk you could potentially bend a heat exchanger fin. That won't affect anything but then you'll have a bent fin. :D Place a finger to take the brunt if it does give way all at once and you'll be fine with the allen wrench. ;)
guess i did it wrong. seems to be working perfectly... guess i got lucky.

Nah, you probably did it right. Arcane methodology like in that PDF is designed to standardize the instructions and procedure so newbs don't squeeze out a table-spoon full and mess up their systems. Critical is getting the two surfaces clean tho. I use acetone to get them super clean myself. If there's finger oil or hairs etc. there's some potential for overheating. They won't break tho - the 5300 series will shut down at the sign of danger - so if they do either just redo it. I bet it's all good tho. :D
it says to navigate in library to the coreservices folder, which doesn't exist on either of my macs...:(
Nah, you probably did it right. Arcane methodology like in that PDF is designed to standardize the instructions and procedure so newbs don't squeeze out a table-spoon full and mess up their systems. Critical is getting the two surfaces clean tho. I use acetone to get them super clean myself. If there's finger oil or hairs etc. there's some potential for overheating. They won't break tho - the 5300 series will shut down at the sign of danger - so if they do either just redo it. I bet it's all good tho. :D

It's running well. I know that. And I also know that I wish I could do it again, because it was so much fun!
I WAS looking under users. however, another snag...

"The document “AboutThisMac.strings” could not be saved. You do not have appropriate access privileges.

To view or change access privileges, select the item in Finder and choose File > Get Info."

I am the administrator.
You should be able to change permissions so that "Everyone" can have read and write access to it. Hopefully that should solve the issue. You can just change it back afterwards.
Yeah I know. It does say that i have read and write access. But still, I can't save changes. That's weird.
aaaaaaaaand I did it. I had to give myself read & write permission on every folder in the path. !

thanks you two.
Got my chips today...
Still debating 2.66 quads to 2.33 octos

So only a 3mm allen key, eh? As long as the fan assembly and the left hand memory rail is out?

Still could be more fun to buy the screwdriver and the extension...
Got my chips today...
Still debating 2.66 quads to 2.33 octos

So only a 3mm allen key, eh? As long as the fan assembly and the left hand memory rail is out?

Still could be more fun to buy the screwdriver and the extension...

I'd go with the screwdriver + extension. I labored for about 20-30 minutes trying to remove the left rail portion of the memory cage, with no luck. I had no problems once i decided to opt for the long screwdriver. I only advise that you use magnetic tips. I can't imagine what a PITA it would be to retrieve a bit or the extension if it falls off.
hey bozz

I have a 2006 macpro as well and was toying with the idea of upgrading it to 8.

Do I just look on ebay for the x5355 2.66ghz quad core xeon cpu and buy 2 of them? do you know if they need to be exact matching cpu's i.e. from the same batch?

That's what I did. I don't know if we can know whether they're from the same batch. Most of the sellers that are selling X5355s are actually selling batches of them, and not just singles. so, just get two from the same seller and you'll be all set. Mine are used, and they're actually engineering samples of the QVQF variety. all benchmarking software I've run sees them only as X5355, so I wouldn't worry about batches or anything like that.

but, yeah, it's as easy as searching "X5355" and sifting through the results. There don't seem to be any used ones up for sale right now, and you get a steep discount from used processors. and being that they're server processors and are built to hold up to anything/everything, i think going with used processors is the way to go. I mean, how often have you heard of a processor dying, especially a server processor?
Have got the heat sink cover, front fan assembly out, and even the left hand memory rail out...bought an extension but it turned out to be too large in diameter.
I'll be back to Orange Depot to return that thing.
Now to find a skinny extension and some arctic silver.
Hopefully I should be done tomorrow...and I will update for anyone else that may be interested.
hey bozz

I have a 2006 macpro as well and was toying with the idea of upgrading it to 8.

Do I just look on ebay for the x5355 2.66ghz quad core xeon cpu and buy 2 of them? do you know if they need to be exact matching cpu's i.e. from the same batch?


it's best if they are from the same batch....
I've also been toying with an upgrade like this down the road (maybe in a year or so when I decide to go to college for heavy photography, Photoshopping, or video editing).

Seems like it would be a worthwhile upgrade as long as it's fairly inexpensive. Chunking about $400 for a couple of LGA771 quad-core Xeons is a fairly good bargain.

The only big thing that I'm worried about is dismantling my MP. Apple made it extremely hard to get to those CPUs, and I was wondering if someone could enlighten me on what needs to happen for a clean entry and exit to and from those sockets. Installing those CPUs is no problem (I build PCs for a living). That's my only issue at this point.
pwn247, read post #11 in this thread. It links to 3 step-by-step tutorials.

Just completed. With the links above and the screwdriver/extension shown in bozz2006's photos this is close to a no-brainer...go slow, be patient, don't force anything.
I've built a couple PCs in my life, so if you do this for a living it should be no problem.
I decided to go this route as well, a little over $200 each for some new in the box quad 2.66 clovertowns. :cool:

Hell of a lot cheaper than trying to upgrade to the new 2009 octacore (tho the performance numbers do make me drool a bit.)

Just won a pair of 2.33 quads on ebay. Wanted to keep the heat down so went with these. Maybe go for the 3ghz later when the prices come down. I use this machine for my media center and crunch data for world community grid. Should last for a good while. :D
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