I ask you, what 1,1 Mac Pro video card choices do I have that will potentially yield me better results than what I'm getting now, and do you know why my windows have laggy resizing to them? Particularly Safari and GarageBand.
The OS X GUI is OpenGL accelerated, correct? IIRC too, I've been able to smoothly resize GarageBand on other Macs, but on mine with this uber powerful GPU it's laggy as all heck. It just bugs me. Any ideas? I read my card may be somewhat incompatible with my machine, thus causing this.
I'm all with sticking with Lion, just want to get proper GPU performance out of it.
According to this:
THe Radeon HD 4870 should beat the 6570 hands down, but maybe given it's newer generation and Windows 7 drivers it's gonna be faster than what I've got?
I appreciate the input Asgorath, I really do, I'm just trying to get this thing working the way it really should be.
And is the 5870 incompatible with the Mac Pro? I also read the 7300 allowed smooth resizing of windows but the 4870 has issues with it.
According to this, the 5870 works in my Mac Pro, but wouldn't yield any better results:
I wonder if 10.7.5 would help at all?
EDIT: Well after tweaking Nexuiz a bit I happened to get 300+ FPS, very happy with that, so I think I'll just stick with my current card, and eventually get Windows 7 32 bit and Boot Camp if I really need to, or just stick with my gaming PC
Thanks all for the input! Still wondering why my windows are resizing unsmoothly (some, not all), but it doesn't take up any more CPU power than the ones that do resize smoothly, weird.