This does look a good deal. What would peoples advice be on this scenario though.
My parents desktop is on its last legs and needs replacing. I suggested that as they mainly just use it for email, surfing, music and some general office work an iMac would be a good, neat solution. They went into an Apple store and saw the iMacs a few months back and really liked them. I told them to hold off on getting one though due to a new model due to come out pretty soon... which of course it now has.
Within their budget the new iMac they would go for is the 24" 2.66Ghz model. Would it actually be a better deal for them though if I was to recommend they go for this one instead, the best spec of the previous model. Once the memory is upgraded to 4GB it's just approx £50 more.
Wondering what people who know a lot more about these machines than I do think. I know nothing about them really! They're only showing 26 left in stock now as well!!