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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Feb 9, 2023
I’m running High Sierra and what I’ve ran into was I deleted an app called WeClean and now the App Store keeps wanting me to update the app. I can’t get it to go away from the update section of the the App Store. I’ve researched everywhere and cannot find a solution. If anyone has any ideas on ridding this in my update section of my App Store I would appreciate it very much. Thanks in advance. Dan


macrumors G5
Jul 30, 2003
Try reinstalling the app (the update through the App Store should make that simple.
THEN, try to uninstall through your Launchpad:
After reinstalling, open Launchpad, find the app icon for We Clean.
Press and hold cursor until the icon shakes.
If it has an X on the top left corner of that icon, click the X, which should delete (uninstall) the app.
Restart your iMac. (That kind of uninstall can (I hope) also remove the remains of the app so the App Store no longer offers the app.
But, you can ALSO go into your App Store, then click on your account to open it. Should show apps that you have purchased. Look for your We Clean app. You can hide the app, which should also prevent the App Store from displaying anything about it.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Feb 9, 2023
Try reinstalling the app (the update through the App Store should make that simple.
THEN, try to uninstall through your Launchpad:
After reinstalling, open Launchpad, find the app icon for We Clean.
Press and hold cursor until the icon shakes.
If it has an X on the top left corner of that icon, click the X, which should delete (uninstall) the app.
Restart your iMac. (That kind of uninstall can (I hope) also remove the remains of the app so the App Store no longer offers the app.
But, you can ALSO go into your App Store, then click on your account to open it. Should show apps that you have purchased. Look for your We Clean app. You can hide the app, which should also prevent the App Store from displaying anything about it.
I’ve tried that. I have two choices. Update or pay $20.00 to install the pro version. That’s the issue. I dont want to pay for it just to clear that out of the App Store. Thx for the input tho.


macrumors G5
Jul 30, 2003
If you have removed the app (dragged it to the trash, then emptied the trash), then the App Store should not be bothering you about updates. Did you also try to search for the We Clean app? Maybe there is a copy that you left somewhere - the Downloads folder for example. The idea is that the App Store is bothering you, because you still have an existing copy on your boot drive somewhere (or an external drive that you might be using)


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Feb 9, 2023
I’ve searched everywhere for the app. Tried in preferences, library area and not a sign of it anywhere thru my searches. Thx for the input.


macrumors G3
Feb 13, 2011
Baltimore, Maryland
I use AppCleaner to uninstall applications that don't come with an uninstall function. Most of the time it finds all the system files and periperal folders that the application added and deletes those, too (it shows you what is being trashed).

You'd need to reinstall WeClean, start AppCleaner and then drop the WeClean application onto the AppCleaner window.



macrumors newbie
Original poster
Feb 9, 2023
I tried that but the App Store only gives two options. Update or pay $20 for the pro version. It won’t update. I tried Appcleaner and without the app it won’t find anything. Thx for the info tho.


macrumors G5
Jul 30, 2003
The app appears to not be updated for at least 6 years. I can't find the actual developer's site.
It feels to me like abandonware.
You should be able to go into your account in App Store, and "hide"that app. It won't appear listed, and (I think) should not bug you about updates when it is hidden. I see you should also be able to delete the listing for the app, also in your account in the App Store - and delete should mean, well, deleted/gone. (I am pretty sure that's what delete means :cool: )
Last edited:


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Feb 9, 2023
I’ve tried hiding it, deleting it in the App Store and notta. I’ll keep messing with it until I get it figured out. Thx.


macrumors G5
Jul 30, 2003
So, if you tried deleting the app from your App Store - are you then saying that did not work (App Store would not allow you to delete the app?)


macrumors G5
Jul 30, 2003
No, I think you misunderstand what I was suggesting:
Open your App Store app.
Go to your account. Easiest way is to click on the name of your account, which is usually in the bottom left corner of the App Store window. That will show your purchased apps (yes, even a free app is considered to be "purchased")
Your We Clean app should be listed. Move your cursor to that app, where underneath you will see Open, or Update, etc. Next to that will be 3 dots. Click on those dots, and choose either "Hide", or "Delete". Delete is probably your better choice. This does nothing about removing the app from your Mac, if there is still a copy somewhere on your Mac. It will remove the App Store listing (the app belongs to your AppleID account, which is why it will show in your App Store account page.) Deleting the app from the App Store page should then also remove those "Update now" notifications that you get now.


macrumors G3
Feb 13, 2011
Baltimore, Maryland
Hopefully DeltaMac's suggestion works.

If you have Time Machine backups you can, in the Applications folder, go to a date when you still had the WeClean app and restore it.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Feb 9, 2023
No, I think you misunderstand what I was suggesting:
Open your App Store app.
Go to your account. Easiest way is to click on the name of your account, which is usually in the bottom left corner of the App Store window. That will show your purchased apps (yes, even a free app is considered to be "purchased")
Your We Clean app should be listed. Move your cursor to that app, where underneath you will see Open, or Update, etc. Next to that will be 3 dots. Click on those dots, and choose either "Hide", or "Delete". Delete is probably your better choice. This does nothing about removing the app from your Mac, if there is still a copy somewhere on your Mac. It will remove the App Store listing (the app belongs to your AppleID account, which is why it will show in your App Store account page.) Deleting the app from the App Store page should then also remove those "Update now" notifications that you get now.
I’ve tried that too. It does not show up in the purchased list either. It won’t update. No 3 dots next to it and it won’t let me update the free one and will only let me get the one I’d have to pay 20 bucks for. So it’s a bit of a dilemma.


macrumors G5
Jul 30, 2003
hmm... How do you know that it says you can upgrade to the paid version, unless it appears somewhere in your App Store, while also suggesting that there is an update available.
You did say in your opening post that the App Store says there is an update, but now you say it doesn't show up in the list in the App Store... Which is it?
If it does not show up in the list of apps, then you should not be bothered by suggested updates for apps that are no longer installed, and have been deleted from the list ???


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Feb 9, 2023
It shows up in the App Store as these two choices. Upgrade and purchase for 19.99 but when I hit on the upgrade it say it can’t upgrade because there’s no app. I don’t want to buy the pro version just so I can delete it a different way just to clear out the App Store update. Not sure there is any other way to describe it. I’ll take a couple pics so you can see.
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