I do not know if you really face this problem, but everybody reading here may use @dosdude1's ROMTool (archive password is ROM) to save this iMac boot rom firmware to disk and better to an external storage device. In any case of trouble you can easily re flash the internal BIOS using a clip programmer.I have the same problem on a friend's computer. Nothing works, from what I was reading here : https://www.ifixit.com/Answers/View/249847/Unresponsive+white+screen+on+startup
the firmware boot loader has been corrupted. The only solutions are to reprogram the chip or take it in to Apple...
I often backup my ROM's even before software updates after the incident with my 2012 Mac Mini loosing it's serial number Mac Address ETC I don't trust Apple anymore. @xanderon are you sure the iMac isn't more responsive than it actually is. It could be a bad screen cable making the screen all white. To test this start the iMac with no screen connected with a monitor using pure a Displayport input. You will have video output to the monitor. If the external screen stays pure white externally than you know what to troubleshoot next.I do not know if you really face this problem, but everybody reading here may use @dosdude1's ROMTool (archive password is ROM) to save this iMac boot rom firmware to disk and better to an external storage device. In any case of trouble you can easily re flash the internal BIOS using a clip programmer.
Whenever I touch another patient (iMac) the first thing is upgrading the boot rom to the latest version Apple provided and then I save this up to date firmware using this tool.
That was an error in the early betas... What was done to fix this was go to to system profiler and set your startup drive to Open Core Disk.
No, you have to get it done...it have it working on my late 2009, iMac11,1, i7 right now.Well I'm stumped. The drive & sd work fine in another machine. OpenCore just doesn't like this 2009 11,1.
Is there any way to load the K1100m brightness control fix without OpenCore?
I am guessing this cannot be reprogrammed with any ROM?I do not know if you really face this problem, but everybody reading here may use @dosdude1's ROMTool (archive password is ROM) to save this iMac boot rom firmware to disk and better to an external storage device. In any case of trouble you can easily re flash the internal BIOS using a clip programmer.
Whenever I touch another patient (iMac) the first thing is upgrading the boot rom to the latest version Apple provided and then I save this up to date firmware using this tool.
2010/11 Machines have their ME Region stored in the firmware and are paired to the board. There are people here that could be repair damaged EFI ROM's you can see @tsialex has written a guide for the Mac Pro 5,1 on how to recreate a functioning ROM. But again these Macs use ME Region. @xanderon are you capable of locating your EFI ROM chip on your logic board? Depending on the model/year it's close to the WiFi card or under the black ribbon cable for audio output.I am guessing this cannot be reprogrammed with any ROM?
No, it will have some of your hardware data included like #serial, secured by checksums. This is needed to identify your system when checking into iCloud and other services.I am guessing this cannot be reprogrammed with any ROM?
iMacs that have encapsulated firmware are more complex to repair a BootROM, it's the exactly the same process as with your MM6,1.2010/11 Machines have their ME Region stored in the firmware and are paired to the board. There are people here that could be repair damaged EFI ROM's you can see @tsialex has written a guide for the Mac Pro 5,1 on how to recreate a functioning ROM. But again these Macs use ME Region. @xanderon are you capable of locating your EFI ROM chip on your logic board? Depending on the model/year it's close to the WiFi card or under the black ribbon cable for audio output.
if you can boot a Catalina USB drive, why are we thinking this is a logic board EEPROM corruption issue?da ***? how can this **** happen?
thx2 problems:
1. Position of DIP clip is incorrect, the Red wire should face the lever.
2. The greenboard should be in the BIOS SPI 25 holes not the EEPROM 24 I2C.
if you can boot a Catalina USB drive, why are we thinking this is a logic board EEPROM corruption issue?
Tried that script and the memory clock (of my WX4130) sometimes seems to get stuck at 300 MHz. In that case a sleep and wake cycle doesn't fix it but a power cycle does (at least this one time I observed it). A simple sleep and wake cycle doesn't cause it.Recently I had the same testing a WX7100 in one late 2009, the core clock of the GPU was locked to 300MHz in MacOS. On the OpenCore image within the AMD_ROMS folder there is a little script with keeps track of both the clocks and the temperature during any test.
if you can boot a Catalina USB drive, why are we thinking this is a logic board EEPROM corruption issue?
We have two users with a 4170 and one with a 7100 observing sleep cycle induced performance loss in a 2011 iMac. Before sleep the core frequency gets up, thereafter it is limited to 267/300 MHz depending on the card type (using Catalina and GOP vBIOS).Tried that script and the memory clock (of my WX4130) sometimes seems to get stuck at 300 MHz. In that case a sleep and wake cycle doesn't fix it but a power cycle does (at least this one time I observed it). A simple sleep and wake cycle doesn't cause it.
Hey let me know if your system can sleep and wake properly without an iGPU, I was always curious about that.Bonjour,
All my thanks to everyone for the help and tutorials.
My System now starts under macOS Catalina,
I only use the EFI folder to my SSD with some modifications on the config.plist like Windows 10 on the OpenCore Boot menu.
I changed my graphics card on my iMac 21 "5 from 2011 with a Quadro K2100M Flashed by Linux Live USB cd xanderon with Nick [D] vB's Rom for this card.
I changed my microprocessor with a Xeon E3-1270,
suddenly the DSDT.aml for 2011 iMacs ONLY! UEFI Windows eGPU & HD Audio driver code 12 fix, no longer worked (loop reboot) so I remade it specially for I imagine all the Xeon E3.
I put it in attachment.
Question: as I changed the microprocessor, I guess I no longer need the AppleIntelHD3000Graphics files, since there is no IGPU, but I don't know if I should keep / patch other Kexts?
Thanks again and have a nice day / evening.
cd usr/libexec/firmwarecheckers/eficheck/eficheck
./eficheck --save -b <EFI bin output file>
Move RomTool to the Applications folder. Some apps don't run right from the Downloads folder. If your iMac boots fine with the broken 4670 it's more than likely NOT a board problem.dumping efi rom is not possible on 10.13. because directHW.kext is not there or not accessible. after csrutil disable of course
whatever, so, are my k2000m "broken"? do I need to get a external programmer and reflash again?
setleds -L
on any linux box.#!/bin/bash
# USB-flash disk file: <USB stick root folder>/scripts/grml.sh
setleds -L +num +caps +scroll
sleep 5
setleds -L
config, append
to the line starting with linux ....
, e.g. something like this:menuentry "grml64-full_sid - release build3038 (default)" {
set gfxpayload=keep
echo 'Loading kernel...'
linux /boot/grml64full_sid/vmlinuz apm=power-off boot=live live-media-path=/live/grml64-full_sid/ "${loopback}" "${kernelopts}" nomce net.ifnames=0 bootid=d5945892-5cb4-46c6-b964-2445694a101b ssh=xxx nomodeset startup=/run/live/medium/scripts/grml.sh
echo 'Loading initrd...'
initrd /boot/grml64full_sid/initrd.img
to my boot options or the kernel crashed, and 2.) did some more hacks to get wifi working and connect that way (same method as above pretty much, just add wpa-supplicant/dhclient setup to the same grml.sh), 3.) the graphics card is probably broken :/ (no logic board LED which I didn't check earlier).