r6mile - I have always found it easier to remove the new xbracket and use the old bracket on my replacement video card. Just be aware that it doesn't put too much pressure on any of the resistors (do a test fitment) and sand away any areas that might be on top of a resistor. Seems easier than trying to get new hardware? Although new hardware works too.. different strokes!
Fourk - Please keep us updated. The only information I have had about the 2700k upgrade is that it worked in some versions of Mac OS, but I haven't seen it used in any of the newer editions. Would be cool if the higher TDP chips don't run into issues!
Short question about: which cpu to choose.
I have have:
E3 1270
E3 1280
E3 1290
I see on ark intel they all would fit in the socket and have the same TDP as the Processor himself. I saw some articles where they could insert an e3 1270 but basically would the 1280/1290 also fit no?
I would like to order then the 1290 at first hand to try this out the 4 GHz would be a bit of a boost.
Do I run in thermal issues ? I guess no ?
Kind regards,
Fourk - Please keep us updated. The only information I have had about the 2700k upgrade is that it worked in some versions of Mac OS, but I haven't seen it used in any of the newer editions. Would be cool if the higher TDP chips don't run into issues!
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