The following is an vbios ROMs for:
Nvidia Quadro K4100M
NVIDIA Quadro K4100M
MXM-B (3.0) bus interface, TDP 100W
The ROM is again based on Nick[D]vB's ROMs. All credit goes to him for his incredible work.
I used
@tgaillar method to secure the card to a 3-pipe heatsink on the 27” 2011 iMac.
I used
@xanderon technique to flash the ROM.
I am NOT a fan of Opencore. I don’t like using it. I refuse to use it.
I will admit, it seems to be the only way right now to solve certain problems which I’m working on, namely the kp when the AGDC plug-in is invoked.
Boot picker menu is functional with the usual black-screen 'delay'.
I have not had a chance to test it fully, but I can confirm brightness control will work with Opencore on at least
High Sierra 10.13.6; no Lilu/WEG. You will likely need the patched AppleGraphicsControl.kext by
@highvoltage12v after the 5-2020 security update and for higher version OS installs.
caution: these cards are based on a WSON flash package and therefore are much more difficult to recover from a bad flash for the average user. The EEPROMs are “lead-less” and a CH341a USB programmer cannot engage their pads. Be fair warned.
While it is still experimental, I’ve used it for 4wks now with/without OpenCore on a iMac 2011 27", no issues. Appreciate
@highvoltage12v and
@Ausdauersportler for their insights and sharing of ideas.
This card should be added to our database of working GPUs.
This ROM is deprecated now and a newer version is available here <link>